Chapter 195

It's just that Qin Zexi is like that, if she doesn't find a topic to change, she doesn't know how long she will blame herself.

What surprised Su Zhaoxue was that this man with a cold exterior was actually a warm man with a delicate heart in his heart!
"Well, I recognize you?" Qin Zexi seemed a little surprised.

Su Zhaoxue nodded, and suddenly turned to him: "But I don't want to recognize her."

She and Lin Qingya have no relationship at all, even if something had to be involved, it would be more than ten years of mutual dislike.

How Lin Qingya treated her these years is not something that can be easily forgotten.

She didn't know what kind of psychological struggle Lin Qingya had gone through to speak in a low voice in front of her like just now.

But to be honest, she couldn't do it, and even now she hasn't recovered from Lin Qingya's sudden change of attitude.

"If you don't want to recognize it, then you don't recognize it." Qin Zexi suddenly stretched out his hand to caress her cheek, rubbing his thumb lightly on her cheek, and his tone was extremely doting.

Although the identity of Miss Su's is still a very important bargaining chip for them now.

But as long as she is unwilling, he is not forcing.

Nothing is more important than her being happy!

As long as he is here, those people should not try to bully her in the future.

As for Su Zhen, the debt of repeatedly hurting her must be repaid.

Her cheeks were a little itchy, but she felt very comfortable. Su Zhaoxue opened her eyes wide and looked at Qin Zexi who could only describe the outline in the darkness: "Do you think I'm hypocritical?"

After so much trouble before, didn't I just want Lin Qingya to recognize her as her daughter?
But now Lin Qingya admits it, but she doesn't admit it!
She was afraid that Qin Zexi would think that she was narrow-minded and pretentious.

"Silly girl, it doesn't matter if you're hypocritical, I like it as much as I like it. No matter what you look like, I like you."

Qin Zexi's voice was faint but soft, falling on the tip of Su Zhaoxue's heart, as sweet as eating honey.

She raised her mouth and smiled, then poked her neck suddenly, and lightly made a light mark on the corner of Qin Zexi's mouth.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she just felt happy, and she couldn't help but want to get closer to him.

She even wanted to reach out to hug him, but it's a pity that she is half disabled!
What's more, she doesn't seem to have enough courage yet.

He quickly retracted his neck, his body temperature rose rapidly due to tension, his face was so hot that he could boil an egg.

It's just that as soon as he retracted his neck, the back of his head was suddenly fixed by a big palm.

Su Zhaoxue's neck stiffened, and she opened her eyes wide to look at someone in the darkness who couldn't see clearly.

What do you mean?
Unhappy to be kissed by her?

Do you want to be so stingy?
However, before she could figure it out, a voice came over: "A kiss, how can it be enough?"

Qin Zexi's voice was as mellow as a jar of fine wine!
Su Zhaoxue felt as if she was going to be drunk.

When he was in a haze, his lips were suddenly blocked without warning.

But Qin Zexi just touched her lightly and let her go.

It was because she was a patient!
(End of this chapter)

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