After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 217 Don't Tell Others

Chapter 217 Don't Tell Others

"I just like being cheated by him, what's your business?"

Song still doesn't know Yu Guo, but Yu Guo is full of hatred for her.

With one sentence, Yu Guo's whole popularity was not smooth, and his face was even more heavy like a dark cloud.

Xu Qinqi couldn't hold it back, and said lightly: "What your heart looks like determines what your eyes see. Miss Gu, do you think everyone is like you, black?"

After Xu Qinqi finished speaking, he passed Song Yiran with his arms around Yu Guo, and then walked into the building.

Song Yiran was just about to refute, but Xu Qinqi had already gone far!

Song Yiran stomped his feet on the ground angrily before turning around and leaving.

At the corner, Xu Qinqi was sure that Song still couldn't see this side, so he quickly let go of Yu Guo.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now. But thank you for speaking for me just now." Xu Qinqi still felt a little sorry, but at the same time, he was also glad that Yu Guo responded quickly.

Yu Guo didn't think there was anything, but asked curiously: "What is your relationship with this Miss Gu family? Why does it feel like you have a great relationship before?"

"What relationship do I have with the Gu family? It's just that I made a mess outside before. I didn't expect her to be so narrow-minded, and she still remembers it after so many years." Xu Qinqi paused, and quickly explained.

Yu Guo complained: "Oh, this Miss Gu family doesn't look like a good person at first glance. You should be more careful when you see her in the future."

Xu Qinqi smiled: "Well, I know, but Xiao Guoer, can I discuss something with you."

Yu Guo had already pressed the elevator and was stepping forward. He gave him a strange look: "Huh? What's the matter?"

"Can I not tell other people about the fact that I met Miss Gu, not even your sister Xue, okay?"

"Why? This doesn't seem to be something shameful." Yu Guo asked in confusion.

"I think it's quite embarrassing. If you have a relationship with a woman, you will be laughed at if you say it." Xu Qinqi deliberately pretended to be embarrassed.

The little girl Yu Guo really believed it, and thought that Xu Qinqi was really afraid of being laughed at, so she nodded quickly: "Okay, I know, I will definitely not say anything."

As soon as the words fell, the elevator doors opened, and when they came out, they saw Su Zhaoxue.

Yu Guo looked at her: "Hey, sister Xue, why did you come out? Didn't you say you were waiting for me?"

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, and walked over nervously, pulling her to look up and down: "Are you okay, did that woman bully you just now?"

Su Zhaoxue shook her head: "Did you meet Song Yiran?"

Yu Guo nodded quickly: "Well, we will return it."

Realizing that he almost slipped his tongue, he quickly changed his words: "We passed each other, I know her, but she doesn't know me."

When Yu Guo was speaking, Su Zhaoxue's eyes fell on Xu Qinqi behind her.

Frowning subconsciously, he said defensively, "Why are you here?"

"I'm not welcome?" Xu Qinqi leaned against the wall and smiled mischievously.

Su Zhaoxue said with a cold face, "Do you think I will welcome you?"

Welcome a person who once wanted to harm her, she has a brain, can she be sick?

Although he didn't do any harm, and even helped her, but she really didn't like him!
(End of this chapter)

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