After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 221 Huh, wait and see the show

Chapter 221 Huh, wait and see the show
"Su Zhaoxue's mother? Didn't you say that Han Jianfeng was invited to City H by Qin Zexi, the prince of the Gu family? Why is he related to Su Zhaoxue again?" Xia Sien became even more curious.

"Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue have received a marriage certificate, do you think it has anything to do with her?"

Xia Sien covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief: "Su Zhaoxue? How is that possible? I always thought that Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi had just hooked up before. Didn't the Gu family always want Qin Zexi to marry Yi Yi?"

But soon he seemed to remember something: "No, I want to tell Xu Qinqi the news, so that he won't be fooled by Su Zhaoxue."

After speaking, I will go to the phone.

But it was stopped by Ou Ruting: "Okay, if you want to say that you will meet again next time, not many people know about this matter for the time being, so don't make it known to everyone. It will still come later Looking for you, I can't help you."

"Still back home?"

"Well, Mr. Gu originally planned for her to marry Qin Zexi as soon as she returned to China, but who knew that Cheng Yaojin unexpectedly appeared on the way."

Xia Sien wanted to tell Xu Qinqi about Su Zhaoxue's marriage, but he was a little absent-minded: "Qin Zexi had an affair with Su Zhaoxue before, so it's not surprising."

Ou Ruting said: "It's not an accident, it's just that it's a little troublesome to solve."

"Huh? What's the trouble?" Xia Sien seemed to smell something from Ou Ruting's words, and suddenly became a little excited: "How are you going to deal with Su Zhaoxue?"

Ou Ruting sneered: "Hmph, wait and see the good show."

The next day, very early, Su Zhaoxue suddenly received a call from Su Cheng, asking her to go to the hospital and telling her the floor and room number of the inpatient department.

And without giving her any chance to ask questions, she hung up the phone.

When Su Zhaoxue arrived at the hospital, it was already an hour and a half later.

She didn't have the habit of getting up so early. When she was not awake, she naturally did everything slowly.

After entering the ward, Su Zhen, Su Cheng, and Lin Qingya were all in the ward. Su Zhen's wrist was in plaster, her forehead was still wrapped with gauze, her entire face was a little swollen, and she looked like a pig's head.

She was very surprised how Su Zhen could be in such a state, that she suffered the same injury as her.

But the accident was only for a moment, and he quickly moved his eyes away from her, and then looked at Su Cheng: "What do you want from me?"

"Zhaoxue, come here so early, have you eaten breakfast? Has the thread on your forehead been removed? It's all my mother's carelessness. I haven't called to care about you these days." Lin Qingya quickly looked at her Just stood up from the chair.

Su Zhaoxue didn't want to talk to her at all, she didn't speak, but still looked at Su Cheng.

"Your mother is talking to you, can't you hear?" Su Cheng's face was gloomy, and his expression was a little uncomfortable.

Su Zhaoxue frowned, extremely displeased: "Are you guys funny? Who said they wouldn't recognize me before? Now they keep emphasizing that it's my mother?"

"If you asked me to come to discuss this matter, then I'm sorry I don't have time to accompany you."

After speaking, I plan to turn around!
"Su Zhaoxue, stop for me." Su Zhen suddenly stopped her.

Su Zhaoxue turned her head and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

"You sent someone to punish me on purpose, didn't you?" Su Zhen stared at her bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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