After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 224 Mei Hong Woke Up

Chapter 224 Mei Hong Woke Up
Su Zhaoxue ignored Lin Qingya and continued walking forward, then squatted down in front of Mei Hong's wheelchair, and gently held her hand.

Mei Hong's hands were dry, without any flesh, just like the hands of the 80-[-]-year-old man, they were all loose skin, and there was no feeling at all.

Su Zhaoxue's feelings for Mei Hong are actually very complicated. She should hate her, but this woman has been her mother for more than [-] years, and now she has reached such a point, how can she hate her.


Su Zhaoxue lowered her head, not knowing what to say, she couldn't even call out that "Mom".

But at this moment, Mei Hong spoke first.

She lowered her eyes to look at Su Zhaoxue, her eyes without any expression seemed to be covered with a layer of mist suddenly, under the mist was full of guilt.

It was her guilt and debt to Su Zhaoxue for so many years.

She was too selfish, but she hurt the eldest lady who was supposed to be well-clothed and well-fed, because of her, she had to bear so many things that she shouldn't have to bear.

"I'm sorry, I've worked hard for you all these years, it's all my fault, I'm selfish, I'm the one who hurt you." Mei Hong choked up, and wanted to reach out to caress Su Zhaoxue, but in the end it was because she had no strength and give up.

Mei Hong took a breath and continued: "I know that you have found your biological mother now, I should have no face to appear in front of you. I also know that my time is running out, but there are some things I don't want to say, Even if I die and go to hell, I will not live in peace, and I have no face to see your grandfather."

"What's wrong with grandpa?" Su Zhaoxue raised her head suddenly, she didn't expect that Mei Hong would suddenly mention grandpa.

"Your grandfather." Mei Hong suddenly looked at Su Zhen who was aside: "Su Zhen killed him."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Su Zhen panicked all of a sudden, and yelled loudly: "Don't make trouble for nothing, you gave birth to me and didn't support me, and you still want to use the title of biological mother to let me recognize you? I beg you Can you do me a favor, don't appear in front of me, and let me live two more years in peace, or I will drag you to hell with me."

Su Zhen's words seemed to accuse Mei Hong in the open, but there was a hint of coercion in the dark.

Mei Hong's weak body does not mean that her brain is not working well, she can naturally hear the meaning of Su Zhen's words.

Weakly smiled softly: "Su Zhen, I really want to ask you, do you have nightmares every night when you sleep?"

"When you pulled off your grandfather's oxygen tube, were you afraid?"

"When you watched your grandfather struggling and unwilling to die, did you feel sorry for him?"

"When you watched Zhao Xue being kicked out of the Su family, did you regret it?"

"Did you panic when you pushed me down the stairs?"

"And all these years, when you hid everyone and occupied Zhaoxue's position, did you have any regrets?"

Mei Hong's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone in the room.

She told Su Zhen's crimes word by word!
Su Zhen was really scared, she was really scared, she went crazy and pushed Lin Qingya away, ran in front of Mei Hong, grabbed her collar with one hand, and pulled her out forcefully: "You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense, why did you wake up, what did you wake up for? I'm your biological daughter, you switched me with Su Zhaoxue back then, wasn't it just to make my life better?"

(End of this chapter)

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