After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 246 Wrinkled, Wrinkled!

Chapter 246 Wrinkled, Wrinkled!

This skirt is a limited edition of this international brand for this season. There are so many people on Weibo, and there is always someone who knows it.

She posted on Weibo to tell everyone that Song Yiran gave her the clothes.

She just wanted Song Yiran to hold this hundreds of thousands of dress as a decoration, but not to give it to other people.
And every time Song Yiran saw this dress, he would be tickled with anger, but he couldn't do anything to her!

"It seems that I won't be able to call you an idiot in the future." Looking at Su Zhaoxue's smug eyes, Qin Zexi's handsome face was filled with a smile.

Su Zhaoxue immediately said dissatisfied: "I'm not stupid, I'm very smart."

"Well, that little smart, can you come over now?" Qin Zexi was still smiling, sitting on the edge of the bed, and suddenly beckoned to her.

Su Zhaoxue paused in doubt, and finally walked over obediently.

But before he walked in, his arm was suddenly grabbed by Qin Zexi.

Immediately after a whirlwind, she was already hugged by Qin Zexi and fell on the bed behind her.

"You." Su Zhaoxue opened her eyes wide, full of surprise and doubt in her bright eyes.

What is this person going to do again!

"I seem to have said just now that I want to kiss you." Qin Zexi was on top of her, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still there, but the eyes looking at her were suddenly as deep as if ink had been splashed on them.

Su Zhaoxue's heart shuddered, she had expectations in her heart, but she seemed not to believe it on her face: "Then kiss me."

Didn't you just say the same thing!
"Have you learned how to excite people now?" Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, and the end of his voice rose slightly because of joy.


She didn't.
No wonder!
"But can you wait for me to change the skirt first?" Su Zhaoxue didn't know why she could still think of the skirt she was wearing under such circumstances.

Unexpectedly, when the words fell, Qin Zexi suddenly laughed again: "Are you telling me, are you going to undress yourself?"

Su Zhaoxue was taken aback for a moment, but instantly understood the meaning of Qin Zexi's words!
The little face twitched, as if it was on fire, and it was instantly stained with a layer of crimson, which spread to the back of the ear.

Qin Zexi helped her with the clothes. In his words, her arm was injured, so it was inconvenient!
But she obviously didn't mean that, what she meant was that she was going to return the clothes to Song Yiran, and it didn't seem good to return them if they were wrinkled!

Forget it
Anyway, it's wrinkled!

The two didn't show up in the restaurant until dinner time!
Qin Zexi supported her, and Su Zhaoxue felt sore all over her body as if she had fallen apart.

Seeing her so tired, Qin Zexi felt sorry for her and told her not to come down, but she was also a little afraid of Mr. Gu.

"Miss Su, what's the matter with you? Are you injured? You need Zexi to support you no matter how you walk?"

As soon as she entered the restaurant, Gu Ping glanced at her, her eyes were not very friendly, but there was still a fake caring in her words.

Song Yiran was also on the sidelines: "Oh, sister Zhaoxue, you just bought a new dress, and you look like this when you're so happy."

Mr. Gu sat at the front of the dining table. Although he didn't speak, his face was sombre, and his expression was extremely bad!
Qin Zexi helped Su Zhaoxue to sit at the dining table, and then he took a cold look at Song Yiran, and then smiled: "Nine 10,000+ clothes, Song Yiran, you are quite generous."

 Can you ask for a wave of recommendation tickets, ????♀ cover your face!

(End of this chapter)

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