After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 253 Do You Want to Go to a Variety Show?

Chapter 253 Do You Want to Go to a Variety Show?
"Hey, little fairy, what are you doing?" When Xu Qinqi spoke, he was obviously ruffian, but the tone was unhurried and soft, so it didn't sound disgusting at all.

It's just that Su Zhaoxue didn't have the mood to talk to him at all: "I don't sleep most of the night, do you have something to do?"

"You didn't sleep either?"

"I don't have anything to do with you because I don't sleep? Is there something to be said soon? Don't say I'm dead." Su Zhaoxue glanced at Qin Zexi for fear that he would be unhappy, so her attitude was a bit harsh when she spoke.

The other end of the phone seemed to be silent for a while, and then a deep voice came out: "Qin Zexi is beside you?"

"Yes." Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment, but still told the truth.

"That's just right." Xu Qinqi turned the chair ninety degrees, and stretched his long legs against the front window sill, with a hint of playfulness in his dark eyes: "There's a popular variety show recently, do you want to go?"

"Variety show?" Su Zhaoxue was a little moved.

"Well, if you want to go, I can ask the director to recommend it. I remember that your contract seems to have changed from red orange to gallon, but I don't know if Qin Zexi will agree to it."

Su Zhaoxue glanced at Qin Zexi, eyes full of doubts: "Well, what?"

Her contract was transferred to the gal?

Why doesn't she know?
"Haha, Qin Zexi probably didn't tell you. This is too unkind. Aren't you his wife? Isn't it just right for your company to praise your wife? Why don't you come to our company? It just so happens that our company is short of a female artist who is CP with me, I think you are fine."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi laughed a couple of times, and then started to be dishonest again.

Su Zhaoxue's black line, just about to speak, saw Qin Zexi suddenly pick up the phone, turn off the speakerphone, with a sullen face and a cold voice: "Missing about other people's things gives you a sense of accomplishment?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, someone else's family? Mr. Qin, freedom is important now, and Zhaoxue is a free individual. If she is willing, I am willing to accept it." Xu Qinqi's voice was very provocative.

Qin Zexi narrowed his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't give you a chance."

After speaking, he has hung up the phone.

"Hey!" Xu Qinqi chuckled, and then put away the phone.

The assistant was on the side: "Should I call Director Zhang and ask him to send an invitation letter to Su Zhaoxue?"

Xu Qinqi sneered: "My husband already knows about it, so why should we help? Prepare well, let's have fun with this variety show."

Qin Zexi, who hung up the phone, had a bad expression all the time, and Su Zhaoxue didn't know what the two of them said on the phone afterwards.

I just thought that it started because of the variety show that Xu Qinqi mentioned. Although she still wanted to go, she still looked at him cautiously: "Don't worry, I won't go."

Only then did Qin Zexi look sideways at her, and frowned: "Why? You obviously want to go?"

He could hear the trace of expectation in her voice just now.

Originally, I planned to arrange for her after signing her contract, but I never chose a more suitable one.

Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, feeling a little apprehensive in her heart, but she still said the truth: "I'm afraid you will be unhappy."

Qin Zexi froze for a moment, then burst out laughing, pinched her cheek, and said softly, "With your words, I'm happy even if I'm unhappy. If you want to go, I'll just arrange it for you .”

(End of this chapter)

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