Chapter 257
"Hello, everyone, this is the scene of the program group of "Let's Travel Together". My current location is the landmark building in G City, G City Tourist Tower, you can see it."

The host is facing the camera and is explaining the tourist attractions hard!

Yu Guo was standing next to Su Zhaoxue, watching the live broadcast with her mobile phone.

While watching, he muttered: "Sister Xue, I think it's good for you and Xu Qinqi to be together. I see that most of the live broadcasts are fans who came to see him. Maybe you can follow along. And Xu Qinqi is a man, he shouldn't be too afraid, with him protecting you, maybe you won't be so afraid?"

"Little Guoer, do you think your sister Xue is not popular enough?" Su Zhaoxue was a little helpless, just looking at the tall buildings behind her that looked like an abyss, but she had to work hard to calm down the tension and fear in her heart.

"Weibo has millions of followers. If I jumped down from here with Xu Qinqi in my arms, I think you should log off Weibo for me to keep out of sight."

"It's not that serious. I posted a promotional picture before I saw it. Everyone is quite friendly."


It is estimated that the screen will be full of saliva later!
Su Zhaoxue didn't know whether she should cry or laugh, her palms were sweating profusely, her legs felt so soft that she could hardly stand still, she was so flustered that she didn't know what to do, naturally she didn't Xin Xin and Yu Guo discussed these things.

"Miss Su, go over there, the camera won't show you this way, you'll be on stage right away." At this moment, the director's assistant ran over and pointed behind the host.

Behind the host is the suspended staircase leading to the top floor!
Su Zhaoxue's heart skipped a beat, and then she nodded reluctantly: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Xu Qinqi changed into a men's sportswear of the same style as Su Zhaoxue's. This brand was a sponsor, so they had to wear this brand's clothes on camera.

When Su Zhaoxue passed by, he was already in place!

It is rare to see him dressed like this, let alone a handsome guy is a handsome guy, he can look like that in any style, and he looks pretty good.

"Okay, without further ado, I believe the audience in front of the screen must have been impatient, so guess who will experience such an exciting bungee jumping experience?"

There is a tablet in front of the host, and the live message can be seen on the tablet.

As soon as the host finished speaking, Xu Qinqi's name was swiped off the screen.

No wonder, Xu Qinqi is the only male in the show, and he is the most popular. Everyone guesses that he is normal.

The host immediately said: "It seems that Xu Qinqi didn't experience it today, and I'm sorry for everyone. But there are only two of our experiencers. Let's guess, among the remaining three girls, who will be with Xu Qinqi."

This time the messages on the screen started to chatter!

The remaining three girls were guessed by everyone!
It's just strange that there are obviously more people guessing Su Zhaoxue.

The host also took the opportunity to create heat: "It seems that the audience's eyes are indeed discerning. Do you all think that Xu Qinqi and Su Zhaoxue are together, and they have a special feeling."

"Yes, yes, yes, I always think they are a good match together."

"I see that Xu Qinqi has followed Su Zhaoxue on Weibo. Does Xu Qinqi have a crush on her?"

(End of this chapter)

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