After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 263 Let Her Come Down

Chapter 263 Let Her Come Down
Almost fell off with one foot in the air!
Su Zhaoxue was dripping with sweat, her heart was beating violently as if she was about to escape from her bondage and jump out.

The palm of the hand holding the suspended staircase was already dripping with sweat, slippery and giving the illusion that it could not be held tightly.

She raised her head, looked at the sky, tightly held the handle of the hanging stairs, and took a deep breath!

Keep telling yourself in your heart, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!
The drone filmed at high altitude, and Su Zhaoxue's pale expression appeared in the live footage.

"Little Fairy, if you are really afraid, let's talk to the director, it's okay to stop dancing. You are a girl, no one will blame you for this."

Xu Qinqi was under Su Zhaoxue, seeing her standing there without moving for a long time, he was a little impatient, but there was some pity in his eyes.

Such an exciting and thrilling project is really beyond the experience of ordinary people.

"No need." Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, sniffed her nose, and a layer of tears suddenly appeared in her eyes.

After finishing speaking, he has already lifted his feet and climbed up!

"Currently, the estimated investment for this project is two billion."

In Gu's office building, in the meeting room on the top floor, a senior executive was making a speech about the project plan, but the man sitting at the top of the meeting table stood up directly with a frown.

The senior executive who was talking stopped and looked at him inexplicably.

The rest of the people also looked arrogant.

Zhong Lian next to him looked helplessly at Qin Zexi who walked out without saying a word, glanced at the live broadcast on the computer, and then hurriedly appeased the high-level people in the meeting room: "I'm sorry everyone, Mr. Qin has a very serious problem. There are important things to deal with, and he'll be right back."

After finishing speaking, he turned off the computer with a "bang", and then walked out of the meeting room with Qin Zexi.

"Then what are we supposed to do? Just leave? Do you really think Gu's is his?"

"With such a personality, you still want to take over Gu's?"

"What's the meeting? Let's go, let's go."

Before Zhong Lian could walk out, there was already a voice of extreme dissatisfaction from behind.

Zhong Lian couldn't help speeding up his pace, regretting it even more in his heart, he knew he shouldn't have come, and it's good to take care of TWO-X for the boss in H City, it's better than facing such a group of old guys who are full of complaints, I don't know How many times better.

"Director, I think Su Zhaoxue is so frightened that she is about to cry. Do you want to stop her and let her come down? This hanging staircase makes my legs weak. She is a girl, and she is considered pretty good if she can climb to the second floor." .”

The director's assistant paid close attention to the live broadcast all the time, and naturally noticed Su Zhaoxue's pale face and the blinking tears in her eyes.

Su Zhaoxue was born to be good-looking, biting her lip at this moment, with tears in her eyes, she was obviously afraid, but she was uncompromising, and there was a trace of forbearance in her eyes, let alone a director's assistant, even the one who was watching the live broadcast in front of the screen Many viewers were moved.

"My goddess is amazing, but seeing her like this really hurts my heart."

"It's so tall, oh my god, I feel so scary just looking at it like this, Su Zhaoxue is really awesome."

"This bungee jumping project, there should be very few girls to experience it. I don't know what the director thinks. Such a dangerous project is actually allowed to be experienced by a girl. It really doesn't care about the effect of the program."

(End of this chapter)

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