After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 266 Look What I Look Like!

Chapter 266 Look What I Look Like!
All the scenery became upside down in her eyes, and they were still moving rapidly!

"Ah Xu Qinqi, you go to hell."

Su Zhaoxue regained consciousness for a second, and let out an uncontrollable scream.

The sound is loud, and a faint echo can be heard from far away.

At that moment, Su Zhaoxue was really terrified, she was pulled down by Xu Qinqi without warning, so fast, she felt like her heart was about to come out of her throat.

At that time, I didn't think about anything, I just wanted to scold Xu Qinqi to relieve my anger.

It's just that when she got down from the top, she was already so weak that she couldn't even speak a word, let alone grab Xu Qinqi to scold her.

The director ran over angrily: "Didn't you say that if you were afraid, you would not be allowed to dance? Why did you dance again?"

His 500 million!

Yu Guo supported Su Zhaoxue, looked at her limp and pale face, and was annoyed: "Director, who said just now, since we are here, we must do things according to the requirements, and now our sister Xue has done as required. Are you here to find fault again?"

The director was stunned by Yu Guo's words, and immediately didn't know how to answer.

"Sister Yu Guo, our director also cares about Ms. Su." The director's assistant hurriedly spoke beside him.

Although he also felt that there was nothing wrong with Yu Guo's words!
Yu Guo glanced at the director's assistant: "Do you think I look like a ghost?"

"Huh?" The director's assistant was stunned!

"Then you think I'll believe you?"

Although Su Zhaoxue felt weak all over, she still couldn't help laughing.

Ghosts will believe your words!
Xiao Guoer means that she doesn't believe it!
Why is it so cute, everyone hates people so well!
I just laughed, but before I could laugh, I felt a burst of sour water suddenly bursting out of my stomach.

Su Zhaoxue frowned and vomited, but she didn't spit out anything.

"Sister Xue, are you alright?" Yu Guo looked at her worriedly, and hurriedly supported her and walked towards the reclining chair that had been prepared a long time ago.

Su Zhaoxue covered her mouth, shook her head, sat on the recliner, drank a cup of hot water that Yu Guo handed over, and the nauseating feeling was better.

"I'm fine, I was probably scared just now."

Yu Guo nodded: "I'll go and talk to the director, there should be no other schedule later, why don't we go back to the hotel first."

"En, good." It's exactly what Su Zhaoxue wanted, and I don't know if she was frightened just now. Not only did she feel sick, but she was also weak, and she was so tired that she panicked.

"Drink some of this."

Just as Yu Guo left, Xu Qinqi suddenly appeared in front of her with a glass of water.

"Thank you, I just had a drink." Su Zhaoxue didn't even want to look at him.

Xu Qinqi didn't mind, and continued to hold it: "This is water mixed with glucose. I think you were frightened just now. Drinking this will make you feel better. Otherwise, you may not even be able to go down this building later, so you will have to drink it." fainted."

"You know I'm afraid, but you still drag me to jump?"

Upon hearing this, Su Zhaoxue became angry.

"I'm not pulling you. You must still be on the top. I'm doing this for your own good."

"Thank you so much. If you hadn't pulled me to jump, I wouldn't have jumped at all."

Su Zhaoxue saw Yu Guo approaching, she got up quickly and stood up, then walked towards her, and the two of them got off the roof together.

(End of this chapter)

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