After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 269 Mrs. Qin, please open the door!

Chapter 269 Mrs. Qin, please open the door!

And that look is unusually unfriendly!

Su Zhaoxue's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and then she hurriedly said: "OK, we are reckless, you continue."

After speaking, he pulled Yu Guo behind him and was about to leave, but after taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked at Han Jianfeng: "Well, she is not two months old, so you'd better have some self-control. It seems to be quite cold, should we move to another place?"

After finishing the sentence, Han Jianfeng frowned fiercely.

Su Zhaoxue turned around, a sly smile flashed in her eyes.

Hmph, let you pull it!
The program team was quite generous and arranged a room for Su Zhaoxue and Yu Guo.

It's just that the locations are not together, separated by a floor.

Su Zhaoxue was really exhausted, so she fell asleep when she returned to the hotel.

It wasn't until the phone rang that he woke up slowly.

Glancing out the window, it was dark.

Picking up the phone, looking at the incoming call, he couldn't help laughing, and then pressed the answer button: "Hello."

"woke up"

The familiar voice with a soft accent came to Su Zhaoxue's ears from the phone, and Su Zhaoxue's heart was full of sweetness, and the smile on her face became even stronger.

Even across the phone, she felt inexplicably shy. Su Zhaoxue bit her lip and responded in a low voice; "Well, I just woke up."

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, I've slept for several hours, it's time to wake up." Su Zhaoxue got up and leaned against the head of the bed as she spoke.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little bit, let's ask Xiaoguoer to eat together later, I don't know what is special about G City."

"Aren't you calling me to come with you?" Qin Zexi's voice was quite aggrieved.

Su Zhaoxue laughed loudly: "I would like to, but how do you come here now? The capital is thousands of kilometers away from City G."

"Well, if I were here, would I have this honor." Qin Zexi's voice was so soft that it was ridiculous.

Su Zhaoxue glanced sideways at the floor-to-ceiling windows next to her. At night in City G, lights are everywhere, and the neon lights flicker like daytime.

The bustling metropolis and the quiet night in the capital are two different situations.

"Qin Zexi." Su Zhaoxue got up and stood in front of the window, and suddenly called him.

"Do you still remember the scene when we fled together for evening self-study to watch the ferry on the cross-river bridge in City H?"

"I remember, why don't I remember." Qin Zexi's voice was full of smiles: "I was fined to copy the student rules a hundred times. I thought there would be no teacher in the evening self-study meeting, but how did I know that the teaching The director ran to check the hall."

"Haha, it's because you are too lucky, okay, I was not discovered."

There was a soft laugh on the phone, and then I heard a gentle voice: "Well, didn't you copy it for me too, everything I can do with you is happiness to me. "

Su Zhaoxue blushed even though she was on the phone, her heart was full of sweetness, and her bright eyes were printed on the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"So Mrs. Qin, Mr. Qin wants to continue this happiness with you tonight. I wonder if you will give Mr. Qin this chance?"

Before Su Zhaoxue could speak, Qin Zexi's voice suddenly rang again on the phone.

"Think." Su Zhaoxue didn't even think about it, and simply agreed.

"Then Mrs. Qin, please open the door. Mr. Qin is here."

(End of this chapter)

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