After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 271 Hu Zhang Lianzhang's Wang Xuan'er

Chapter 271 The Nonsense Wang Xuan'er
"Why don't you eat?" Qin Zexi poured a cup of tea for Su Zhaoxue.

Su Zhaoxue held the teacup and shook her head: "Well, I can't eat any more."

"Uncomfortable? Are you sick? Is the sea breeze too strong?" Qin Zexi subconsciously reached out and touched Su Zhaoxue's forehead.

Then he said to himself: "It's a bit cold, why don't we change places?"

"I'm fine, it doesn't matter, there is no need to change places." Su Zhaoxue shook her head hastily.

But Qin Zexi's thoughtfulness still warmed her heart!
"Husband, look, Miss Sister's husband is so kind to her, and you have never treated me like this before." At this moment, Wang Xuan'er suddenly acted coquettishly at Han Jianfeng, and blinked with wide eyes when she spoke. Look at Han Jianfeng.

Wang Xuan'er's eyes are not particularly big, but they look very charming because they are raised at the end of the eyes.

When she was talking at this moment, because she had a big mouthful of jujube cake in her mouth and her cheeks were bulging, she looked very cute again.

Charming yet cute and innocent!

Probably only in Wang Xuan'er can it be reflected!

Even Su Zhaoxue felt that Wang Xuan'er was the best among women, but she didn't want Han Jianfeng to take a teacup and glance at her indifferently: "If you feel wronged, you can leave after giving birth. "

What do you mean, will you die if you don't pull it?

What does it mean that you can leave after giving birth, do you have a baby tool in your home?
Su Zhaoxue couldn't bear it, and was just about to speak up.

"Who said I'm going to leave? I don't want to leave you, husband." But she didn't want Wang Xuan'er to be very nervous, and hurriedly dragged the chair to lean against Han Jianfeng, then wrapped her arms around his arms and leaned against Han Jianfeng. His body is simply inseparable.

Han Jianfeng frowned, and withdrew his hand in disgust: "Stop being hypocritical, you're trying to get pregnant just because you want to use the child as a bargaining chip, don't worry, I will give you whatever you want. "

"Husband, I don't have one. They just want to stay by your side! Even if you die, I can still find you in the next life, and the next life is also fine. Anyway, our fox clan has a thousand years, and I will always rely on my husband." By your side, I will give birth to a lot of fox cubs for you."

When Wang Xuan'er was talking, she turned around and went to the table to get a chicken paw, and while gnawing on the chicken paw, she spoke with an extremely serious expression on her face.

Su Zhaoxue:
Started talking nonsense again!
Qin Zexi:
fox?What the hell?

Han Jianfeng:
The problem of bad brain is committed again!

Since the last time she got into a fight with someone and got to the hospital, Wang Xuan'er seemed to have changed.

Han Jianfeng only thought that she had lost her mind, and didn't pay much attention to it.

It's just that these nonsense can be said in front of him, but Han Jianfeng immediately became displeased when he saw the expression of the other person as if he was looking at a fool.

Even though he hated Wang Xuan'er, she was still his wife after all.

"You're full, you can go." Han Jianfeng obviously didn't want to continue "disgraceful", got up and pushed the chair away, and was about to leave.

"I'm not full yet, husband." Wang Xuan'er wanted to protest.

It's just that Han Jianfeng acted as if he didn't hear it, he only cared about walking forward!

(End of this chapter)

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