After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 277 A Secret

Chapter 277 A Secret

"I'm a fox, that vixen you often say. My real name is Hu Qianya, and everyone in the clan calls me Princess Ya. This time, I came here secretly. They I don't even know."

"This body is actually Wang Xuan'er's. She is gone, so I borrowed it for a while, because only in this way can I get close to my husband. Another reason is that my spiritual power can no longer support me to transform into a human form."


Su Zhaoxue frowned in disbelief, no wonder Wang Xuan'er kept calling the child in her belly a fox cub, could it be that she fantasized that she was a fox?

Su Zhaoxue suddenly remembered that when they met for the first time, Wang Xuan'er had told her that she didn't have enough spiritual power to see clearly who was trying to harm her. Later, it really was Xu Qinqi and Su Zhen To kill her.

It was also in the hospital once, when Su Zhen was holding a knife, obviously intending to come over to stab her, at that time Wang Xuan'er screamed, for some reason, the knife in Su Zhen's hand really fell to the ground.

She remembered that Wang Xuan'er was squatting on the ground, sweating profusely and pale.

When she went to help Wang Xuan'er, Wang Xuan'er also talked about spiritual power.

It should be said that Wang Xuan'er has hallucinations, fantasizing that she is a fox, but how to explain what happened before?

It's all a coincidence, isn't that too coincidental?
And when Su Zhen's knife fell to the ground, the inexplicable expression on his face was not fake!

"Miss, I know that it may be difficult for you to accept what I said. I didn't expect you to accept it completely, as long as you don't dislike me, I like you very much, Miss."

Seeing that Su Zhaoxue was staring at her, Wang Xuan'er panicked, and quickly explained: "Miss, if you think it's ridiculous, you can just pretend that I told a story, that is, can I ask you to tell me a story?" Sister, you have one thing to do."

"If one day I suddenly disappear, Miss Sister, can you comfort my husband more. Come here, my favorite is you, Miss Sister. I can't find anyone else, so I can only talk to Miss Sister. "

"If I suddenly disappear, my husband will definitely be very, very sad. He is also a person who doesn't like to talk. I'm afraid that he will shut himself up all day long. Even if he is so sad that he will die, he will insist on not talking."

The corner of Su Zhaoxue's mouth twitched, Han Jianfeng was sad?

The sun will come out in the west!

But this is not the point, the point is why it suddenly disappeared?

"You want to leave?"

Wang Xuan'er nodded, with a rare sad expression: "Well, I don't have a Lingzhu, so I can't stay here for a long time. I could have stayed for a while longer, but because of this fox cub, I don't have much time. When he is born , it's almost time."

"Since you want to stay longer, why are you still pregnant?"

Su Zhaoxue probably understood what Wang Xuan'er meant, because she was pregnant with a child, so she shortened the time she stayed with Han Jianfeng.

"Because this is the child of my husband and I, and I like my husband very much, so I want to leave this little fox to him, so that when I leave, there will be little fox to accompany him."

Wang Xuan'er tilted her head, her eyes blinked as if they were full of water, and she looked really serious when she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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