Chapter 282
"Yeah, I got it." Wang Xuan'er seemed to be coming to the playground for the first time. Looking at the roller coaster track not far away, she was very excited: "Wow, I'm going to ride that later."

Su Zhaoxue has always been not interested in these items in the playground. She glanced around and caught a glimpse of Xu Qinqi and Xia Sien not far away, standing one behind the other.

Although the two were separated by a few steps, Xia Sien's eyes were always on Xu Qinqi's body, and he would secretly smile when looking at him.

That looks like a little fool!

Su Zhaoxue squinted her eyes. Could it be that Xia Sien was secretly having fun because Xu Qinqi brought her to the playground alone?

Just thinking about it carefully, I don't think that's the case!
"Miss Su, Miss Wang, the director asked you to go over and get ready for our schedule today." At this time, the director's assistant walked over with a smile.

Su Zhaoxue looked away, and nodded to the director's assistant: "Thank you."

"This little assistant has a good temper. The director is so annoying, so he is not angry." Wang Xuan'er pulled Su Zhaoxue and said quietly.

Su Zhaoxue glanced at the director of "Megatron Quartet" and helped the forehead: "Let's go."

Today is another day of being yelled at!
"Come on, Zhaoxue, come and sit down." Before she got close, the director suddenly called out to her courteously.

So much so that Su Zhaoxue thought that she was hallucinating in her ears, and stared at the director incredulously.

"Our itinerary today is to experience various items in the playground, including Ferris wheel, roller coaster, pirate ship, crazy pendulum, polar rock climbing, and Antarctic ice skating."

The director talked about a lot of playground projects, and finally said: "Which ones do you want to experience?"

"Me? Can I choose by myself?" Su Zhaoxue pointed at herself inexplicably, the director's attitude changed a little quickly.

The director smiled and said, "You can choose by yourself, let's see which one you want to play?"


Su Zhaoxue pondered for a moment, this is just a project, and then looked at the director's face.

It's just that the words fell silent, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little bit wrong!

"Miss Su, this project is not within the scope of experience. Our experience projects are only those reported by the director just now." The director's assistant reminded in a low voice.

Su Zhaoxue curled her lips and said nothing, she knew it!
She just wanted to test it out!
Originally thought that the director would yell at her again like yesterday, but after hesitating for a while, he smiled again: "If you want to experience the merry-go-round, yes, I'll let someone arrange it. Except for the spinning Trojan horse, is there anything else you want to experience?"

With such a huge contrast, Su Zhaoxue is not a fool, so she naturally understands what's going on!
It must be on their way here, Qin Zexi called the director and said something!
She wasn't angry at all, it was his way of showing kindness to her.

Who asked the director to make things difficult for her for no reason!
All she has to do now is pretend not to know!
Although under such circumstances, the people in the program team may look down on her even more in their hearts.

But there is no way, who told her to have a good husband!
She was also happy to be soured by those people!
However, Su Zhaoxue finally chose two projects within the scope of experience, and the backstage belongs to the backstage. After all, this is her job, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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