After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 284 The Not-so-Smart Xia Sien

Chapter 284 The Not-so-Smart Xia Sien
"What's the persuasion? I'm going to post on Weibo, and I'm going to sue this program group." Unexpectedly, Xia Sien suddenly threw away the assistant, and his voice became louder and louder.

Good guy, he looks like he's going to find someone to fight with!
The director's face was getting darker and darker, and the assistant was sweating coldly behind her, but he still persuaded patiently in a low voice: "Si En, I know you are very angry now, can we calm down first."

"Calm down, how calm do you want me to be? I'm a newcomer, yes, but I can't fight back if I hit back or scold me. Today I must seek justice, otherwise I will post on Weibo for the majority of netizens to help judge."

This is completely a posture of "I am right, don't be afraid to travel around the world"!
But that posture was nothing more than superficial. In the end, he was threatening the director with the intention of posting this matter on Weibo.

"Newcomers are treated unfairly."

Oh, this hot search title is really eye-catching!
After all, in today's Internet age, there are more people who don't know the truth, and there are more keyboard warriors.

If one is not well controlled, the entire program group may be implicated.

Su Zhaoxue stood aside coldly, looking at Xia Sien like a clown. How did this Xia Sien get signed into Red Orange?

It was as if his brain was covered with lard, and all he came up with were just some stupid solutions!

If threats can be useful in this world, everyone will not have to work and live normally.

"And this Su Zhaoxue, I'm going to post you on Weibo too, because Qin Zexi likes you, who do you think you are? I really think you can marry into the Gu family. Two, I really don’t know what to be proud of all day long.”

Su Zhaoxue originally maintained the attitude of "I won't offend people if I don't attack them", but she didn't know that there is another kind of person in this world, called "mad dog" for short, the kind that bites people when they see them.

Su Zhaoxue is simply baffled, she still hasn't figured out how the relationship between herself and Xia Si'en was formed, and how she would be targeted as soon as they met.

"Xia Sien, have you had enough trouble?" At this moment Xu Qinqi suddenly spoke, his face was a little displeased, and there was a trace of disgust hidden under the eyes that looked at Xia Sien.

"Brother Qin Qi, you watched them bully me, but you didn't speak for me."

Even in front of Xu Qinqi, Xia Sien didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Xu Qinqi glanced at Su Zhaoxue suddenly, and then said, "If you think it's unfair, then let's draw lots again to decide."

"Zhaoxue, do you think it's okay?"

Xia Si'en frowned: "Brother Qin Qi, why did you ask her if it's okay? She's not a director, she can decide anything."

"If Zhaoxue disagrees, you can either choose two of the remaining projects, or just leave me. Do you think that everyone is free and wastes time here with you?" But at this time the director said very embarrassingly Say something.

Xia Sien stood where he was, embarrassed and angry, but couldn't find anything to say.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing, at this moment she really wanted to say something to Xia Sien: "I just like to see you can't understand me, and you can't kill me."

It's really cool!
It seems like a good thing to have a powerful husband!
(End of this chapter)

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