After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 286 Married Man

Chapter 286 Married Man
Su Zhaoxue and Yu Guo were the only ones who said they were surprised, because as soon as Wang Xuan'er saw Ou Ruting, she grabbed Su Zhaoxue's sleeves and muttered, "My husband asked her to take care of me even though I knew I hated her. It's really bad." gone."

Only then did Su Zhaoxue know that Ou Ruting was ordered by Han Jianfeng to take care of the pregnant Wang Xuan'er.

I really don't know if this Han Jianfeng has a big heart, or if he really doesn't know what Ou Ruting thinks about him.

He actually let a woman who liked him take care of his pregnant wife.

Is this looking forward to the child being born, or is it looking forward to the child not being born?
"Miss Wang." Ou Ruting ignored Su Zhaoxue who was beside her, and walked in front of Wang Xuan'er: "I called you this afternoon, why didn't you answer?"

The tone is a little bit accusatory!
Wang Xuan'er said confidently: "I can answer my call as soon as I want, and if I don't want to, I don't answer it. You don't care about it."

Ou Ruting was blocked by Wang Xuan'er's words for a long time and couldn't get over it, she snorted softly: "Wang Xuan'er, if you don't want me to come, why didn't you make it clear to Jian Feng at that time?"

"Hey, Ou Ruting, I would like to trouble you to bring your last name when addressing my husband. He is a married man. You are not our family. If you call him so close, it will be misunderstood."

Listening to Wang Xuan'er's words, Ou Ruting seemed a little proud: "Jianfeng and I have known each other for more than ten years, and we have always called him that. If you don't like it, you can leave."

"Hmph, even if I leave, I will take my husband with me."

Ou Ruting was about the same height as Su Zhaoxue, and looked half a head taller than Wang Xuan'er. At this moment, Wang Xuan'er was talking to her with her head up. She obviously looked down on Ou Ruting, but when she opened her eyes and spoke angrily, But it's also incredibly cute.

It was as if Han Jianfeng was her personal belonging, and she would take it with her wherever she went.

Ou Ruting snorted disdainfully: "I don't have any self-knowledge, so you have to see if Jian Feng is willing to go with you. In my opinion, Jian Feng hates you so much, how could he go with you?"

"How do you know that my husband hates me? If he hates me, I can conceive his child? If he likes you, why didn't he marry you, why didn't he let you conceive a child. "

Although Wang Xuan'er has been arguing with Ou Ruting all the time, her tone of voice has always been calm, just like she usually speaks, delicately and softly.

But at this time, such words, spoken in such a tone, sounded like a show off to Ou Ruting's ears.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing "pooh!"

Ou Ruting was so angry that she stared at Wang Xuan'er, wishing she could eat her in one bite.

"Oh, someone has revealed his true colors and wants to eat people, let's go, Miss Sister, let's go."

Seeing that Ou Ruting was so angry with her, Wang Xuan'er stuck out her tongue proudly at her, pulled Su Zhaoxue and ran away.

The two of them ran all the way to the elevator before stopping. They turned their heads and glanced at the lobby, just in time to see Ou Ruting stomping her feet in frustration and turning around. They looked at each other and laughed in tacit understanding.

By the way, Ou Ruting was so angry that Wang Xuan'er almost vomited blood. She was about to take a breath when she got out of the hotel, and she called Han Jianfeng to file a complaint, but she didn't want to run into Xia Sien who got off Xu Qinqi's car just after she came out.

(End of this chapter)

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