After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 29 She is my woman

Chapter 29 She is my woman
Su Zhaoxue subconsciously dodged to the side to avoid being hit.

"Miss, are you alright?"

The staff were so frightened that this beauty was brought by Mr. Qin, if she was knocked out, she should not even think about messing around.

Su Zhaoxue shook her head: "I'm fine, let's go."

As he spoke, he turned around and planned to leave.

But he didn't want the person who just rushed out, so he stopped her directly: "Stop for me."

Su Zhaoxue paused in a strange way, and then turned her head.

An unfamiliar face, without any impression in my mind.

"Sir, what's your order?" The staff hurried over.

"Go away, I'm not looking for you." Unexpectedly, the man stretched out his hand and pushed the staff, and the staff fell back unexpectedly.

Su Zhaoxue had quick hands and feet, and hurried over to support her.

Before he could stand still, he felt that his arm was pinched and pulled to the side: "You, go drink with the uncle."

Su Zhaoxue frowned in displeasure, and looked up at the man coldly: "Sir, you are drunk, please let me go."

Unexpectedly, the man leaned over directly: "I won't let go, what do you want, tell your uncle that I'm from the Su family."

Su family?

"Who is Su Cheng to you?" Su Zhaoxue looked at the man suspiciously. In her impression, Su Cheng didn't have such junior relatives.

"Su Cheng is my uncle, and Su Zhen is my sister, why are you afraid?"

Even if Su Cheng stood in front of her, she would not be afraid, let alone a liar pretending to be the Su family.

He chuckled lightly, and said in a calm tone: "Do you want me to call Su Cheng over and take you back? Do you think he will take you back or send you to the prison?"

"You say I'm a liar?" Although the man was drunk, he could still understand what he said. Hearing Su Zhaoxue call him a liar, his eyes almost popped out, and his face was even more vicious. : "Believe it or not, I'll give you a slap."

The disgusting smell of alcohol sprayed out from the man's mouth, Su Zhaoxue felt her internal organs were churning, and couldn't hold back a light vomit.

The man immediately changed his face: "Little Jian, if I don't give you a little color, you don't know how good I am."

After speaking, the hand has been raised.

Su Zhaoxue sighed helplessly, today's calendar definitely says that it is not suitable to go out!
It's just that after waiting for a long time, the slap didn't come down. Instead, a scream was heard, and the force that was originally pinching her arm disappeared suddenly.

Then there was another scream!
Turning around subconsciously, a handsome face full of dark clouds suddenly appeared in his eyes. There seemed to be a violent storm raging in his originally calm eyes.

When did Qin Zexi come out? he angry?
Su Zhaoxue was a little stunned. At this moment, the drunk man who was trampled by Qin Zexi suddenly shouted: "Su Zhen, Su Zhen, you came out to save me."

"Oh, my god, it hurts me to death. Damn, you have such a strong hand, you can throw Laozi to the ground with one hand."

"MD, if labor and capital hadn't been drinking, it would have been so easy for you to screw me over."

The drunk man was lying on the ground cursing, and seeing that no one came over after shouting for a long time, he shouted impatiently: "Su Zhen, come out for me, you are the one who asked me to come out and grab this chick, hurry up and get her out of here." Save labor and capital, otherwise labor and capital will go to your house every day to make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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