After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 292 Seems to be a Real Hammer

Chapter 292 Seems to be a Real Hammer

"Okay, Hurry up, Husband, you've worked hard, Husband, I love you."


Han Jianfeng's tone seemed to be perfunctory, but at the same time as he hung up the phone, a smile unconsciously rose from the corner of his mouth.

When he turned around holding the phone, the smile on his face happened to be printed on the glass window next to him.

Han Jianfeng was stunned for a moment, then frowned and shook his head, then put away his smile.

If he's crazy, why does he think Wang Xuan'er is cute?
"Why bother, I'll show you something and you'll understand."

Wang Xuan'er didn't avoid Su Zhen when she made a call. A sensible person would naturally know that she was calling Han Jianfeng.

Su Zhen smiled lightly, took out the phone, and stretched out her hand to face Su Zhaoxue.

"Look carefully at who this is."

There is a set of videos on the phone. The scene in the video seems to be in a very dim room. The only light in the room comes from a large lamp on the table.Next to the table is a bed, and there is a person lying on the bed. Because the distance of the video is a bit far, the face of the person cannot be seen clearly.

But at this time, a second person suddenly appeared in the video, that person seemed to be holding a bowl of water, and then sat down beside the bed, pulled up the person on the bed very violently, and then handed the bowl in his hand to the bed the man's mouth.

The moment she got up, Su Zhaoxue finally saw the face of the person on the bed clearly.

If this is not Mei Hong, who is it!

Messy white hair sticking to the thin sunken face, dry lips Su Zhaoxue can see the cracks even from such a distance, the neck is so thin that it seems that it can't support the head, so that the whole figure looks like a Like a fallen branch, she had no strength, so when she was pulled up, she uncontrollably leaned towards the person next to her.

But before he got close, he saw the person next to him, threw down Mei Hong, and then threw the bowl in his hand towards Mei Hong, the full bowl of water spilled on the quilt on Mei Hong.

Then I saw the man turn around and leave.

"Hey, isn't this the nurse my husband hired for Mei Hong?"

After Wang Xuan'er finished making the phone call, she just saw the man's face when she looked up.

Su Zhen took back her phone, glanced at Wang Xuan'er, and smiled, "I have good eyesight."

Su Zhaoxue was dizzy for a while, her heart hurt even more and she trembled all over, she looked at Su Zhen in disbelief: "Where did you get Mei Hong, she is your biological mother, why do you have the heart to let others treat her like this?"

Unexpectedly, Su Zhen said lightly: "Su Zhaoxue is your mother, not mine."

After finishing speaking, he still smiled: "I feel bad, right? Very good, have you seen the reporters behind you? Now you just need to tell them in front of them that I am the eldest lady of the Su family, and you want to rob me Therefore, they framed me. In order to get the property of the Su family, they joined hands with Mei Hong to make a false testimony. And also told them that you were with Qin Zexi, but it was only for money. Tell them that you are a vicious woman , everything was designed by you."

"Su Zhen, do you think I will do this?" Su Zhaoxue looked at Su Zhen like a madman, feeling that she was simply unreasonable.

Unexpectedly, Su Zhen smiled slowly, but took out the phone again: "Don't reject me in a hurry, the screen you saw just now is actually a real-time monitoring screen, now take another look at Mei Hong In the current situation, you are thinking about how to answer me."

(End of this chapter)

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