After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 302 Su Zhen's Threat

Chapter 302 Su Zhen's Threat

Lin Qingya loves Su Zhen dearly, but Su Zhaoxue is the daughter she finally recognized, and she is reluctant to give up.

Seeing the hesitation on Lin Qingya's face, Su Zhen suddenly became a little scared and panicked, so that a very impatient look appeared on her face: "Are you going to say it or not? If you don't say it, I will die right now." in front of you."

As Su Zhen said, the shards of glass in her hand had already penetrated a little deeper into her neck, and blood was already oozing from her neck.

Lin Qingya was so frightened that she trembled all over. She looked at Su Zhen and almost knelt down and begged: "Xiao Zhen, don't be impulsive, let me tell you what to say."

"Hurry up, tell Su Zhaoxue quickly, you will never recognize her as a daughter in your life."

"Okay, okay, I'll talk right away." Lin Qingya said, and turned to look at Su Zhaoxue.

Su Zhaoxue stood behind her, looking at the tear stains on her face, her makeup, which was considered delicate, had already faded away, making her look much older.

In fact, Su Zhaoxue really didn't care whether Lin Qingya recognized herself or not, and she didn't have the kind of affection for Lin Qingya that a daughter has for her mother.

But looking at Su Zhen at this moment, she felt inexplicably jealous and sad!
That was her mother, why did she want to hurt her biological daughter time and time again for others?
Su Zhaoxue looked at Lin Qingya coldly, looked at the apology in her eyes, and her hesitant mouth.

Seeing her like this, Su Zhaoxue suddenly felt a little ridiculous, since she had already made a decision in her heart, now she made such an extremely entangled appearance, who was she showing it to?
"Zhaoxue, you can understand me, right?" After waiting for a while, this sentence came.


Lin Qingya was afraid that she really overestimated her, or did she think that she was born to give in to Su Zhen?
What does it mean to understand?

What did she do wrong again, why should she understand?

Why be magnanimous, why be understanding?
Laughed coldly: "I don't understand, this is your own decision, why do you want me to understand? Don't you find it ridiculous?"

"I know it's unfair to you, but now you have Qin Zexi and the other half of your life, he can love you and protect you, but Xiaozhen doesn't have anything, she has nothing but me, Except that I will protect her and love her. So I hope you don't blame me for the decision my mother made today, okay?"

Lin Qingya squirmed her lips, her voice was very slow and sincere, and there were even earnest persuasion and prayers.

Su Zhaoxue really felt that everything in front of her was a great irony. More than a month ago, this woman said that she would make it up to her in the future!
Is this compensation?

After all, in this woman's heart, Su Zhaoxue's status is not as good as Su Zhen's!

Looking at Lin Qingya coldly, Su Zhaoxue didn't even have the strength to laugh at this moment. If it wasn't for Qin Zexi who was protecting her tightly, she might not have the opportunity to pretend to be so calm at this moment: "I wouldn't have Blame you, what do I have to do with you? How I am has nothing to do with you! Since you have already made a decision, why bother to say such hypocritical things again? Don’t you think it’s disgusting and hypocritical? "

Lin Qingya's face turned pale all of a sudden, as if she lost all color in an instant!
She took a step back and almost fell!
(End of this chapter)

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