After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 316 I'm Still Going

Chapter 316 I'm Still Going (Please recommend a ticket)
The two stood by the window for a while, and Su Zhaoxue's phone rang!
It's Yu Guo!
"Sister Xue, Sister Xue, come quickly, it's not good, something happened!"

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, and before she could speak, Yu Guo's phone had already been hung up.

While waiting for Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi to rush over, a large group of people surrounded the door of Mei Hong's ward, and Lin Qingya's screams could be heard outside the crowd.

"Go to hell, go to hell."

Su Zhaoxue was startled, and quickly pushed through the crowd and rushed in.

After entering the ward, she saw Lin Qingya standing in front of Mei Hong's hospital bed covered in blood.

There was blood all over Mei Hong's quilt and the bed, and there was a sharp knife on the ground!

But the only ones who didn't see Mei Hong, even Yu Guo was not in the ward.

Su Zhaoxue:
After a while, where did Lin Qingya get the knife?

"Hahaha, dead, all dead."

"Go to hell, go to hell, it's good, it's good."

Lin Qingya stood in front of the window and laughed wildly.

Su Zhaoxue wanted to step forward subconsciously, but was held back by Qin Zexi. Su Zhaoxue turned her head to look at him puzzled.

Qin Zexi shook his head seriously at her: "Don't go, Lin Qingya is already insane, you will scare her in the past, and she will hurt you."

Su Zhaoxue hadn't thought of going to this place before, but Qin Zexi suddenly came to his senses after hearing the meeting.

Lin Qingya was usually so proud and elegant, she pampered Su Zhen like a treasure.

Maybe Su Zhen's death has dealt her too much blow!
In the end, Lin Qingya was given a sedative by the doctor for a while, and then she barely calmed down, and then fell into a coma.

Su Cheng went to deal with Su Zhen's funeral, so when he came, Lin Qingya was already in a coma, but seeing the blood on Lin Qingya's body still scared him.

Later the doctor checked her, and it was true that as Qin Zexi said, Lin Qingya had some mental problems because she couldn't bear the blow.

The doctor warned them that there is no medicine to cure this problem, and it mainly depends on the cooperation of the family and the patient's own adjustment. In the future life, they must be careful not to irritate the patient.

Su Zhaoxue later found out that Mei Hong was taken to the emergency room, and Yu Guo went to the emergency room.

It's just that Mei Hong's body is too weak, and Lin Qingya directly hit her in the chest with a knife, and finally left!
Looking at Mei Hong, Su Zhaoxue didn't know what mood she was in, she seemed neither happy nor sad, she just stared blankly at that skinny face.

Su Zhaoxue has no way to judge whether Mei Hong is doing the right thing or not!

Su Zhen didn't educate her well and made her do so many wrong things, so she was taken away.

This is what Mei Hong said, to compensate Su Zhaoxue, and also to compensate herself.

But in Su Zhaoxue's heart, she would rather that Mei Hong would lie on the hospital bed forever and not wake up, nor would she leave because of this way.

Su Zhaoxue donated all the money in that card, leaving nothing behind.

After she cremated Mei Hong, she sprinkled all of them into the sea of ​​G City!
Then holding the box containing Mei Hong's ashes and crying like a child!
Apart from her grandfather, Mei Hong is the only relative in her heart for so many years.

The uncomfortable and complicated feeling of losing a loved one is really hard!

 As for some professional things, just take a look, don't take it too seriously!
  Third update today!
(End of this chapter)

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