After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 318 Mr. Gu is seriously ill

Chapter 318 Mr. Gu is seriously ill

Su Zhaoxue glanced at Song Yiran suspiciously, and that's when she took the two pieces of paper.

In the divorce agreement, the five characters Muran appeared in Su Zhaoxue's eyes.

She stared at those words in disbelief for a while, and then she saw the signature at the bottom.

Sure enough, Qin Zexi's name was on it.

Song still looked at her arrogantly: "Don't look at it, even if you look at it for a day or a year, these words will not change in any way. See if Qin Zexi's signature is there at the bottom, if you don't believe it, you You can make a phone call and ask him about it."

"However, I advise you, for the sake of the little bit of face you have left, you'd better not fight, anyway, hitting can't change any facts."

Su Zhaoxue's hand holding the paper kept trembling, she stared at the handwriting in disbelief, read it over and over again, but it was Qin Zexi's handwriting.

She doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it at all!
"I will not sign this agreement. When I went to get the marriage certificate, Qin Zexi and I went together. Now even if it is a divorce, he has to come and tell me in person."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she directly raised her hand and threw the divorce agreement in Song Yiran's face.

"Su Zhaoxue, don't give you three points, you think you can open a dyeing workshop."

Song Yiran seemed to be really angry this time, he grabbed the paper and squeezed it into a ball, then threw it on the ground.

Su Zhaoxue didn't look at her, and turned around: "I didn't think about anything, but divorce is a matter between husband and wife, and it's not up to you, an outsider, to intervene. If Qin Zexi really wants to divorce me, then It’s ok, let him tell me by himself, and I promise not to say a single word.”

"Su Zhaoxue said this yourself, don't cry and refuse to sign for me again." Song Yiran stared at Su Zhaoxue, said this sentence fiercely, turned around and left.

Su Zhaoxue watched Song Yiran's figure disappear from sight all the time, and then fell weakly on the sofa beside her.

Qin Zexi wanted to divorce her, but she couldn't believe it.

Something must have happened, it must have been.

Thinking of this, Su Zhaoxue got up, staggered two steps, and then quickly ran towards the bedroom. Her phone was in the bedroom.

At the moment in the hospital, Mr. Gu is unconscious and in the intensive care unit.

The intensive care unit does not allow family members to accompany her, so Qin Zexi stays outside the intensive care unit.

Mr. Gu didn't fall into a coma all of a sudden, but because of a sudden cerebral congestion.

Mr. Gu himself has high blood pressure. When he was admitted to the hospital, he was sent to the hospital because of shock caused by elevated blood pressure, but he didn't expect that he would end up with cerebral congestion.

Qin Zexi clearly remembered that when he went to G City, Mr. Gu woke up once, and Han Bo called him at that time, saying that Mr. Gu had something to say to him.

He rushed back the next day, but he didn't want Mr. Gu to be admitted to the intensive care unit because of his serious illness.

Something must have happened!

"Young master, go back and rest for a while. I'll take care of you here. If the old man wakes up, I'll notify you to come over immediately." At this time, Han Bo, who was standing by the side, suddenly walked over.

Qin Zexi turned to look at him, but didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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