After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 342 Not Xu Qinqi's Child

Chapter 342 Not Xu Qinqi's Child
Although Su Zhaoxue was suspicious before, she was still surprised when she heard Xu Qinqi's answer.

"Are you crazy? You don't want this child, you can't do this, you know, it's easy to get into trouble."

"I know, but you have to understand, little fairy, the child in Xia Sien's belly is not mine."

Xu Qinqi's expression was calm, without the sternness he used to talk to her in, he looked at the distance of the river, his eyes were a little empty, and his tone was peaceful with a hint of tenderness.

Looking at it like this, Su Zhaoxue felt that he seemed to have a lot of things on his mind at the moment, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that he didn't seem to have any. It gave people the feeling that he was completely unpredictable!

"Then you didn't deny it when I didn't call you last time. You clearly admitted it like that."

Otherwise, why did she always think that Xia Sien's child was his.

"Xia Si'en's child is gone, which is a good thing for her." However, Xu Qinqi smiled at this time: "It may implicate you, little fairy, but I will clarify for you soon."

"Then what happened to her child? What happened to you, I think Xia Si'en always thought that this child was yours."

Su Zhaoxue couldn't understand Xu Qinqi's words without beginning or end.

It's just that Xu Qinqi didn't seem to want to say more: "This matter is a bit complicated, and you will know it when the time comes."

As Xu Qinqi said, it didn't take long for him to issue a statement.

Said that the rumors on the Internet were not true, the child in Xia Sien's belly was not his, and on the set, Su Zhaoxue also had a violent physical conflict with Xia Sien Weicheng, and released a video.

In the end, he made an important announcement. In order to clear his innocence, he and Xia Sien had already discussed that they would take the placental villi from the previous miscarriage for DNA testing. When the results came out, he would announce them on Weibo as soon as possible. .

On the other hand, Galen also posted a Weibo in the name of the company, saying that Su Zhaoxue is an artist belonging to Gallon Company, and the company has the right to protect the reputation of the company's artistes. If there are rumors about harming the company's artists on the Internet, the company will apply to the law Behavior, and also @ some of the big Vs who slandered Su Zhaoxue with the most reprints and the most likes.

Su Zhaoxue probably also knew that Galen posted this warning-like Weibo in the name of the company, and also publicly named those active Weibo accounts who slandered Su Zhaoxue. It was almost Qin Zexi who was defending her.

No company will disregard the interests of the company and openly @those entertainment big V who can kill people with a single sentence.

However, this trick was really effective. As soon as the Weibo was released, all the Weibos that slandered Su Zhaoxue were deleted.

Moreover, Su Zhaoxue, who had been in the top three of the hot search list before, also lost more than a dozen places because of this.

Qin Zexi has been very busy in recent days, but he still calls her at a fixed time every day.

On this day, as soon as the day's scene was over, and as soon as he left the studio, Qin Zexi called.

"Why is it so early today?" Su Zhaoxue answered the phone and asked subconsciously.

"Because I miss you so much, I can't help thinking about it." Qin Zexi's voice was soft, like the warm sun in winter, shining warmly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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