After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 352 has a recording

Chapter 352 has a recording

"Sien, don't get excited, you are not in good health now."

However, Song still saw that something was wrong at this moment, and quickly interrupted Xia Sien's words.

Xia Sien seemed to have realized it now, and glared at Su Zhaoxue: "You are so despicable, you deliberately trick me."

Looking at Xia Si'en's look as if he had been wronged so much, he couldn't help but chuckled: "If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow being crooked, and you are afraid of my stereotypes?"

"I will be afraid of you, Su Zhaoxue, you..."

"Okay, Miss Song, what are you here for today? If you didn't really come to see Sien, please leave the ward first. I don't think you have any reason to stay here."

Song was still afraid that Xia Sien would say something wrong when he got excited, so he quickly interrupted her, and then ordered Su Zhaoxue to leave.

"I will leave, but before I leave, I have something to leave for Xia Sien. When you went to find me in the room that day, I forgot to remind you. I was on the phone at the time, and you came in quite suddenly. I forgot to hang up the phone Yes. Before, because of Su Zhen, I had a habit of recording the call records when I called."

"Did you record my words?" Su Zhaoxue's words made Xia Sien seem a little panicked.

Su Zhaoxue smiled calmly: "Yes, I recorded it. Okay, you rest, I have said what I want to say, you rest, I won't disturb you."

In fact, she didn't record it at all. The reason why she said this was just to make Xia Sien panic.

Who told her to lie!

"Su Zhaoxue, stop for me." Xia Sien wanted to get off the hospital bed angrily.

But it was stopped by Song Yiran silently!
Su Zhaoxue naturally knew what she was angry with, so she let out a cold snort and left the room!
"Yiran, what do you think about this? Su Zhaoxue is recording."

Song Yiran was also very surprised that Su Zhaoxue could still record, but he was a little angry: "What did you say to her? At that time, you were asked to find her so that you could blame her. Why did you talk so much to her?" Is it OK to just go in and lie there pretending to be dead?"

"Then what should we do now? What should we do? I don't remember what I said at the time. I was already so angry that I didn't know anything. Still, what should we do? If Su Zhaoxue sends out the recording at that time, Am I finished?" Xia Sien was so flustered that she didn't know what to do, she just pulled Song Yiran and asked her non-stop.

"What are you afraid of? Maybe Su Zhaoxue deceived you on purpose. You still want Xu Qinqi to marry you?" Song Yiran was a little annoyed by her, and threw her away.

There were tears in Xia Sien's eyes: "Still, how can you talk like that? How can I not be afraid? If everyone comes to ask me who the child is, how should I answer?"

"You are an actor, do you know how to pretend? You just pretend to be weak, confused, and you don't know. Everyone can guess for themselves. You don't need to explain clearly, understand?"

"Is this useful?" Xia Sien seemed to be a little unsure.

"What if Su Zhaoxue plays the recording?"

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran smiled lightly: "It's okay, as long as you insist that the child belongs to Qin Zexi, Su Zhaoxue can't do anything to you even if she has the recording."

Anyway, the child is gone, even if you want to do a DNA test, you will definitely not be able to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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