After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 362 Going to Visit Mr. Gu

Chapter 362 Going to Visit Mr. Gu

Ou Ruting glared at Wang Xuan'er fiercely, and left behind Han Jianfeng.

Wang Xuan'er stared blankly at Han Jianfeng's leaving back, her eyes were full of disappointment!
"Xuan'er, don't look at it, let's go." Su Zhaoxue couldn't stand it anymore.

Wang Xuan'er's own conditions are not bad, and she doesn't know why she fell in love with such a careless man as Han Jianfeng.

Wang Xuan'er turned her head to look at Su Zhaoxue, her beautiful eyes were full of water, but there was sadness in her eyes: "Miss, it seems that my husband won't like me anymore."

Seeing Wang Xuan'er's appearance, Su Zhaoxue felt a little distressed, but she didn't know what to say to comfort her.

Love is a thing, although it is about your love and my willingness, but one party has affection and the other party has no intention, at most it can only be regarded as unrequited love.

Just like Wang Xuan'er now!
Su Zhaoxue has experienced how painful and tormented it is to fall into unrequited love.

So seeing Wang Xuan'er like this at this moment, I feel empathy.

She smiled distressedly, and then hugged her: "Xuan'er is so beautiful and cute, why are you afraid that no one will like it?"

"But I just want my husband to like me." Wang Xuan'er leaned in front of Su Zhaoxue, her voice was abnormally deep and depressed.

It's like a person who can't see the light in the endless darkness.

"That's because he's blind, so he can't see your goodness and beauty."

Su Zhaoxue gritted her teeth and scolded Han Jianfeng fiercely!
"But it doesn't matter, he cares so much about the little boy in his belly now, he will definitely like him in the future, as long as he treats the little boy well, I will be satisfied." Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan'er suddenly smiled and comforted himself, A smile is as beautiful as it is sad.

Later, Wang Xuan'er still didn't eat, so Su Zhaoxue sent her back home.

She has always looked depressed. Although she was talking and laughing with Su Zhaoxue, Su Zhaoxue could tell that she was really sad.

In this relationship with Han Jianfeng, Wang Xuan'er has always been the one who took the initiative!

But if you keep taking the initiative, but you don't get a response, the one who takes the initiative will also get tired!
Even Wang Xuan'er is optimistic and cheerful, but whose heart is not a little princess who hopes to be loved by others.

On the second day after returning, Su Zhaoxue asked Qin Zexi to take him to the hospital to visit Mr. Gu.

In fact, in Su Zhaoxue's heart, her feelings for Mr. Gu have always been contradictory.

Regarding Mr. Gu's obstruction of her and Qin Zexi, speaking from the bottom of her heart, she really couldn't like him, and she was even a little scared of Mr. Gu.

But Mr. Gu is Qin Zexi's relative by blood after all, and no one can change this.

She chose to be with Qin Zexi. If she wanted to be with him, she had to let herself respect and like Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu has been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.

I am conscious, and even have a sense of the outside world, but I don't know why, but I still can't open my eyes.

The doctor's judgment is because the old man is getting older, and his self-recovery ability may be weaker, and it will take time to adjust slowly.

When Qin Zexi brought Su Zhaoxue into the ward, Gu Ping and Han Bo were not there, only a nurse was cleaning the room in the ward.

After Qin Zexi went in, he asked the nurse to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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