After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 366 About Wills

Chapter 366 About Wills
"If grandpa wakes up, she'll be done playing."

Qin Zexi sneered when he was talking: "Grandpa made a will before, and in the will, he said that he would give Gu to me, and then let Gu Ping assist him, and then gave Gu Ping and Gu Ping 80.00% of the shares of Gu's overseas branch. Song Yiran's mother and daughter, and some of Gu's properties in other cities, with a total value of 5000 million, were transferred to Gu Ping's name. If Song Yiran married, no matter how the married family was, the Gu family would marry a piece of land in the suburbs of Beijing , plus 1000 million in cash, plus various jewelry, the total value is 1000 million. If Song Yiran gets married, Gu Ping can also live in the Gu family all the time if she wants."

"If my guess is correct, grandpa's sudden illness should be related to this will."

"Didn't the old man always want you to marry Song Yiran?" Su Zhaoxue couldn't figure it out!
Since he wanted Qin Zexi to marry Song Yiran, why did he talk about dowry?

"Stupid you." Qin Zexi suddenly turned sideways and tapped Su Zhaoxue's head lightly: "Did I tell you before that grandpa doesn't object to us being together as much as it seems on the surface, but he has his own. Just something to worry about."

She did remember what Qin Zexi said to her before, but she didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that he was lenient to her, that's why she said that.

I didn't expect that what he said was true!
"Is the old man's concern because of you?"

It's not hard to understand. The reason Mr. Gu insisted on getting Qin Zexi to marry Song Yiran was because Gu Ping stood in front of Qin Zexi.

Gu Ping has been in the Gu family for more than ten years, no matter what, it is a big threat to Qin Zexi's succession to the Gu family!

Qin Zexi nodded: "Well, yes. Grandpa was afraid that Gu Ping would deal with me after he was gone, so he wanted me to marry Song Yiran."

"What about the will? What about the will?"

Qin Zexi continued: "The will was made temporarily because my grandfather knew that I could not marry Song Yiran. Grandpa also made a will before, but at that time the old man still hoped that I could marry Song Yiran, so he just confessed Let me take over Gu's and let Gu Ping assist me."

"Is it because of this will that Gu Ping was transferred to the overseas branch?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly seemed to understand something!
Qin Zexi smiled: "It's not stupid."

"It seems that Mr. Gu really loves you." Su Zhaoxue couldn't help feeling.

"But because of me, he suffered so much grievance and hurt." Qin Zexi's voice suddenly sank. Although he controlled his emotions very well, it was not difficult to feel it. At this time, Qin Zexi's heart must be It's extremely uncomfortable.

During the period when Mr. Gu was ill, although Qin Zexi didn't mention a word, nor did he show any sadness, but Su Zhaoxue knew it, and he was desperately suppressing himself.

He can't let himself be weak and unbearable, he must give a perfect counterattack to all those who want to see his jokes and want him to give up voluntarily.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Su Zhaoxue was so distressed that she turned around and hugged him.

She wanted to give him some comfort!
"If you want to blame, you can only blame. People's hearts are too unpredictable, and the mother and daughter are too greedy."

(End of this chapter)

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