After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 374 Saffron

Chapter 374 Saffron

"What about drinking it for a long time? Long-term drinking doesn't mean it won't work. Besides, this stuff promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. I'm pregnant now, so I can't even touch it. You actually said that drinking a lot of it has no effect. This is What should you say as a medical staff?" Wang Xuan'er stretched her neck, trying to defend herself.

Ou Ruting became angry for a while: "Then you can't show signs of miscarriage, just suspect that it's because you ate the saffron."

"When did I say it was because of the saffron?" Wang Xuan'er tilted her head, blinked her big eyes, expressing her grievance: "I only said that I had signs of miscarriage, and I was afraid when I saw these things."

Ou Ruting was stared at by Wang Xuan'er, and she tightly squeezed the bottle in her hand, but she didn't know what to do.

"What are you doing with this thing?" At this moment, Han Jianfeng finally opened his mouth, but the cold tone made people feel a self-evident sense of pressure.

"Soak in water to drink, I have always had the habit of soaking in saffron to drink, Jianfeng, you know that."

"I do not know."

Ou Ruting's wishful thinking was directly poured cold water by Han Jianfeng.

The joy in Wang Xuan'er's heart!

Ou Ruting's face turned pale, and she suppressed the soreness in her heart, and then said: "I thought you knew, after all, we have known each other for more than ten years, and I know some of your habits well. , I thought you were the same as me, also..."

"I don't want to see this thing a second time."

Ou Ruting seemed to want to play the emotional card, but Han Jianfeng ruthlessly interrupted her before she finished speaking.

Ou Ruting breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and after a while she came along, and replied reluctantly: "I see."

"Can you stay away from me?" Seeing Ou Ruting's cooperation, Han Jianfeng looked sideways at Wang Xuan'er, with an indifferent expression on his face, as if looking at a stranger.

Wang Xuan'er was a little hurt, and pouted: "My husband, why are you so fierce, I just want to get closer to you, so that the little boy in my stomach can feel your breath more, so that the little boy will know when he comes out. You are his father."

The corner of Han Jianfeng's mouth twitched. Although he disapproved and disdained Wang Xuan'er's illogical fallacies from the bottom of his heart, for some reason, he didn't continue to strongly ask her to stay away.

"up to you."

After saying this emotionless sentence, Han Jianfeng closed his eyes again, and leaned back on the sofa.

It's just that when leaning on him, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, my body was leaning towards Wang Xuan'er, just so that Wang Xuan'er could lean on his shoulder comfortably.

Seeing this scene, Ou Ruting's eyes were about to burst into flames.

Looking at Wang Xuan'er's eyes, she wished her eyes could turn into a knife.

Wang Xuan'er was too lazy to talk to her, stuck out her tongue mischievously at her, and then leaned happily on Han Jianfeng's shoulder, her small face showed a relaxed look of enjoyment.

Ou Ruting couldn't stand it anymore, she turned around and went back to her room.

As soon as I went back, I received a call from Song Yiran.

"Hey, Ruting, what are you doing? I called you several times before you answered."

Ou Ruting was full of displeasure, and naturally she was also unwilling to chat with Song Yiran, so she said directly, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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