After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 376 Frame Xia Sien

Chapter 376 Frame Xia Sien
After Song Yiran came back, if Qin Zexi was not at home, he would often not ask her to eat at meal time. Pregnant people are more likely to get hungry and flustered. Every time they wait for her to go down, the back kitchen is always cold.

And every time I do laundry, I will only forget about Su Zhaoxue!
Su Zhaoxue knew exactly what was going on!

She doesn't say anything, she cooks herself if she doesn't have food, and she washes her clothes if she doesn't wash her clothes. She didn't grow up like this when she was blown out of nothing.

Qin Zexi was at home for dinner this day.

As usual, the kitchen is full of dishes!

Su Zhaoxue couldn't eat, because the afternoon meal was late, but she still sat at the dining table, intending to have a little with Qin Zexi.

At this time, the servant in the back kitchen brought over a bowl of soup: "Miss Su, this is specially prepared for you."

Su Zhaoxue took a look at the bowl of thick soup, she didn't know what the ingredients were, but she brought a bowl of soup for no reason, so she needed to figure out the intention.

Seeing that Su Zhaoxue looked at the soup and did not speak, the servant quickly continued at the side: "This is the old duck soup that the back chef has been cooking for an afternoon. It happens to be delicious now, so you can drink it right now."

"I don't like duck soup." Su Zhaoxue pushed the bowl of soup aside.

The servant seemed a little embarrassed, standing at the dining table unwilling to leave.

"Give me a bowl." Song Yiran said suddenly, "By the way, give Miss Xia a bowl too."

After finishing speaking, he said in a strange way: "Some people are afraid that this soup is poisonous, so they dare not drink it."

Su Zhaoxue knew what Song Yiran meant and didn't bother to talk to her.

The servant quickly brought over two bowls of soup, and gave one to Xia Si'en.

"Si'en, this soup is very good, drink more to replenish your nutrition."

Song Yiran reached out to pick up the soup in the servant's hand, and said to Xia Si'en.

It's just that before the soup in his hand was received, he was suddenly stopped halfway by a pair of hands.

"Miss Su's soup is cold, I'm going to serve a bowl for Miss Yiran."

It was Qin Zexi who stopped Tang.

"Here." The servant looked at Song Yiran in embarrassment: "How about I get another bowl for Miss Su, this bowl belongs to Miss Song. Miss Su's soup is different from other people's soup, no. "

"You cook the soup for two?" Qin Zexi suddenly raised his head and looked at the servant. His expression didn't change, but the look in the servant's eyes made people shudder.

The servant was a little flustered by Qin Zexi's eyes, and he dodged his eyes for a while, then said hurriedly: "No, it's just that Miss Su is not pregnant, so I put more red dates, scallops and the like, it's too sweet I'm afraid normal people won't be able to bear it after drinking it, so..."

"Oh, I understand." Qin Zexi nodded, as if he understood.

The servant smiled quickly, and stretched out his hand as if remembering to take the soup from Qin Zexi: "Then, this bowl of soup is for Ms. Yiran, and I'm serving it for Ms. Su."

"Just this bowl, go and refill it for Miss Yiran."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi was extremely persistent.

The servant dismissed Song Yiran, a little at a loss!
"If you tell me to go, you can go, it's just a bowl of soup, it's just a matter of time."

Song still looked at the servant and gave her a look.

The servant understood, picked up the bowl of soup that was originally for Su Zhaoxue on the table, and planned to go to the back kitchen.

"Put it down." Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly growled.

(End of this chapter)

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