After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 383 Pay the Price

Chapter 383 Pay the Price
"How did you know there was something wrong with that bowl of soup? It just so happened that a pregnant mouse came back."

Qin Zexi sat down beside Su Zhaoxue, twirling Su Zhaoxue's hair with his fingers: "Coincidence."


Su Zhaoxue didn't quite understand, how could there really be such a coincidence.

"Yesterday, I went to the hospital to see my grandfather, and accidentally saw Ou Ruting and Song Yiran."

"and then?"

Qin Zexi continued: "Then I saw Ou Ruting took two boxes of medicine for Song Yiran from the medicine window. At that time, I felt something was wrong, thinking that the medicine was for grandpa."

Su Zhaoxue was a little puzzled: "But Ou Ruting doesn't seem to work in the hospital where Mr. Gu is hospitalized."

"Ou Ruting took the abortion medicine. Do you think she dares to stay in your own hospital? Wang Xuan'er is pregnant and she takes the abortion medicine. If Han Jianfeng finds out, what do you think he will do to her?"

Regarding Qin Zexi's words, Su Zhaoxue disapproved a little, and curled her lips: "What can Han Jianfeng do, I don't think he cares about Xuan'er at all."

"Then do you think I care about you?" Qin Zexi suddenly smiled.

Su Zhaoxue blushed with embarrassment. : "Oh, how could you ask such a question? Shouldn't we be talking about Song Yiran's question now?"

"Well, I went to investigate at the time, so I found out that Ou Ruting gave Song Yiran the abortion pill." Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows: "You will know about it later."

Hearing what Qin Zexi said, it really felt like a coincidence.

"But what about Xia Sien? I think she doesn't know the cause and effect. Now that she has been arrested, she will be imprisoned for a few days."

Anyone with eyes can tell about Xia Si'en's affairs. It was Song Yiran who deliberately framed her, and he wanted her to take the blame.

"You can't die for a few days. It's a fact that Xia Si'en injured the servant. She should pay for it. As for the abortion pill, hmph, Song still doesn't want to admit it, right? I'll let her admit it herself." .”

"Then what do you want to do?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly became interested.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly pushed her sideways, and looked at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Do you want to know?"

Su Zhaoxue was lying on the bed, and Qin Zexi was sitting next to her, but now he was leaning over with one arm on the bed, the two were already close, and now they seemed to be in an ambiguous state.

Su Zhaoxue blinked, suddenly blushing and heart beating, her mind went blank, she just nodded.

"Then let's do something else."

Su Zhaoxue hasn't reacted yet: "What are you doing?"

"What do you say!"

Su Zhaoxue's pregnancy is early, so she can't do much, Qin Zexi just hugs Su Zhaoxue and simply sleeps.

Xia Si'en was imprisoned for five days, and when he came out, it was unknown who picked him up.

Mr. Gu is still in his old state, and has been in a coma.

I don't know if it's because of the abortion pill last time, Song Yiran has restrained a little bit, but Su Zhaoxue's recent stay at Gu's house is much better before you, at least someone can still call her every time she eats.

It's just that the days go by day by day, and under the calm surface, there are still turbulent dark waves.

Gu's recently had a problem with a new project, and Qin Zexi was so busy that he didn't come back for several days in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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