After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 385 Is this a marriage proposal?

Chapter 385 Is this a marriage proposal?

"Do you really regard Mr. Gu as your relatives? Have you really regarded yourself as a member of Gu's family all these years?"

Su Zhaoxue's words made Song Yiran suddenly stunned, she was stunned for a second, and stared straight at Su Zhaoxue.

It seems that she has never considered the questions Su Zhaoxue raised, or even thought about them.

What are relatives?
In her heart, Gu Ping is her only relative!
As for grandpa, she respects him very much, and at the same time is very afraid of him, but she seems to have never had a family member!

At least in her heart, she always felt that her grandfather and her were not related by blood, that's why she desperately wanted to please the old man, and that's why she was so eager to marry Qin Zexi.

In fact, it's not because she really likes Qin Zexi, it's just a small thought in her heart, she wants to really become someone who has something to do with this family.

Seeing that Song still didn't speak, Su Zhaoxue seemed to understand all of a sudden.

She gave a very sad smile, it was for Mr. Gu!
Even though Mr. Gu has his own thoughts, even if he favors Qin Zexi a bit, he is still really kind to Gu Ping and Song still.

It's not that he really wants Gu Ping to assist Qin Zexi, it's not that he's really afraid of what Gu Ping will do to Qin Zexi!
It's just that he wants to give Gu Ping and Song Yiran peace of mind!
But they don't understand!

That's why today's situation is created!
"You have never regarded Mr. Gu as your family, so what qualifications do you have to ask him to treat you as family?"

"Do you think that Mr. Gu is lying on the hospital bed and will never wake up, so you can really do whatever you want? Song Yiran, you really underestimate Qin Zexi, even if he really fails, even if he really wants to be arrested Now, even if you really win, so what? Can you feel at ease?"

"I don't know if you have heard such a saying, if you hurt the enemy one hundred times, you will hurt eight thousand. If you hurt others, you will only scar yourselves in the end."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she turned around and planned to go into the restaurant.

Song Yiran seems to have reacted at this time, looked at Su Zhaoxue's back, and suddenly yelled: "Su Zhaoxue, what are you, what qualifications do you have to teach me? So what if you are scarred , you make us feel bad, so don’t think about it too. If you want to get hurt, then get hurt together, let’s see who can survive to the end.”

Su Zhaoxue paused, and after listening to Song Yiran's words, she felt that what she had said just now was all nonsense.

Obviously in her words, there is no intention to teach her a lesson!
Obviously she just wanted to tell Song Yiran that if she put her heart to heart, there was always room for redemption.

But to Song Yiran's ears, it had a completely different meaning.

Sure enough, the heart is evil, and the words heard are also evil.

In the evening, Qin Zexi took Su Zhaoxue out for dinner, and Zhong Lian came to pick her up!
In the western restaurant on the top floor of the First Building in Beijing!
After Zhong Lian took Su Zhaoxue up to the top floor from the elevator, he went straight down!

A waiter brought Su Zhaoxue into the restaurant!

There is no one in the restaurant, it seems that except for the waiter or the waiter!
The restaurant is surrounded by transparent floor-to-ceiling glass. Walking inside, you can see the lampposts in the capital city and the flashing car lights!

(End of this chapter)

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