After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 390 Are you willing?

Chapter 390 Are you willing?
These are the most beautiful words Su Zhaoxue has heard tonight!

Su Zhaoxue almost cried again!

"Get up first." Su Zhaoxue tried hard to control her emotions, trying to pull Qin Zexi up.

But she didn't want to, but Qin Zexi took her hand: "You haven't answered me yet."

Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment, then asked: "Answer what?"

Thinking hard in my mind, Qin Zexi didn't seem to ask any questions!
"will you marry me?"

"Didn't I already marry you?" Su Zhaoxue subconsciously felt that Qin Zexi's question was simply nonsense.

"Then is your heart willing?"

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing, Qin Zexi would also be uncertain after a long time!

Tilting her head and looking at him, Su Zhaoxue rolled her eyes: "En, when I went to get the certificate with you, it was actually because of Su Cheng. He said that you could give him a big project, and the Su family needed this project very much."

When Su Zhaoxue was talking, she could clearly feel that the breath around Qin Zexi's body seemed to drop.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't bear it, but continued after a pause: "And at that time, I wasn't sure why you suddenly appeared and wanted to get a marriage certificate with me. I always thought you hated me, I always thought you hated me My, I even guessed that you want to get a certificate with me just because you want to humiliate me."

"I've thought about it a lot, and it's a very bad result, but I haven't thought about it. In fact, you are the same as me, but you just hide the love in your heart very deeply."

"At that time, you directly fired Zhang Hongzhi from the film crew, taught Yuan Dapeng a lesson in the restaurant, told everyone that I was your woman, and knew that Su Zhen always suppressed me, so you helped me transfer the contract. I've done too many things..."

"There are so many obvious things in front of me, I can only blame me for being too unconfident and afraid to think about it."

"That's why we had so many misunderstandings at the beginning."

"You ask me if my heart is willing, then I tell you, I am willing, and I am very, very willing."

"For a long time after I got the certificate with you, I felt like I was living in a dream. Although there were too many things I couldn't figure out, I was very happy, and I often secretly rejoiced. I can stay by your side now."

"Although I went to get the certificate at the beginning because of Su Cheng's reasons, what I want to tell you is that I am very willing and my heart is willing. Otherwise, even if Su Cheng knelt down and begged me, I would not Might agree."

"I like you. I liked you six years ago, and I have liked you until now."

"I'm really glad that the feelings I hide in my heart are finally about to blossom and bear fruit."

"I'm really glad that you're finally back, and you're really standing by my side."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking this long series of words, she actually didn't know what she was talking about, but these words were always what she wanted to say in her heart.

She didn't deliberately make a draft in advance, she just thought of where it was.

After saying these words, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Qin Zexi, feeling as if she was shy after expressing her thoughts, Su Zhaoxue blinked, and then said: "You can get up now."

(End of this chapter)

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