After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 397 The child made a mistake, I will make your life worse than death

Chapter 397 The child made a mistake, I will make your life worse than death

In the end, Wang Xuan'er had no choice but to call Su Zhaoxue!
Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi sent Wang Xuan'er to the hospital. They took a B-ultrasound and did a blood test. The doctor checked it out. Unsurprisingly, Wang Xuan'er was hospitalized.

Although there is no obvious problem for the time being, after all, Wang Xuan'er's stomach is placed on the coffee table, and Wang Xuan'er's stomach has been faintly hurting.

A single ward was set up, Su Zhaoxue packed her things for her, Wang Xuan'er held Su Zhaoxue's arm, and fell asleep with red eyes.

Before falling asleep, she kept saying to Su Zhaoxue: "Miss, what should I do if my husband doesn't want me?"

"Miss, Ou Ruting's injury was not caused by me, why doesn't my husband believe me?"

Wang Xuan'er's eyes were always red, she was about to cry, but she tried her best not to cry, Su Zhaoxue really felt distressed seeing it.

I had no choice but to hug her and comfort her constantly: "It's okay, it's okay, you should sleep well first, Han Jianfeng will definitely believe you, don't worry, the baby in your stomach is the most important thing. "

I don't know if Su Zhaoxue's consolation is effective, Wang Xuan'er really fell asleep holding her hand.

It's just that she seemed extremely insecure, holding Su Zhaoxue's arm tightly all the time, refusing to let go at all.

When Han Jianfeng arrived, it was already midnight, and the first thing he said when he opened the door was: "How is the child, is the child okay?"

Su Zhaoxue was not surprised that Han Jianfeng could come. After all, Qin Zexi was here and must tell him.

It's just that when he came here, he only asked about the child's appearance, which was really annoying.

Su Zhaoxue glared at him angrily: "The child doesn't know if it's okay, but can you care about the child's mother first?"

Han Jianfeng's eyes glanced at Wang Xuan'er on the hospital bed. The worried expression on his face disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he looked expressionless and wanted to be beaten: "What's wrong with her? Did she sleep?" Very fragrant."

"Yeah, I slept soundly, Han Jianfeng, how can you say such a thing?"

Su Zhaoxue was about to vomit blood from anger, she really had the urge to go up and give her a slap, then a punch, and finally a kick.

this man really
It's too fucking hard!
Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng remained expressionless, as if he didn't care: "Then what can I say? Since I'm fine, I'll leave first."

After Han Jianfeng finished speaking, he planned to leave!
"Hey, you."

Su Zhaoxue got up subconsciously and wanted to chase her out, but she didn't even speak clearly, so she wanted to leave?

But he didn't want her to move, but woke up Wang Xuan'er who was pulling her.

"Miss sister?" When Wang Xuan'er woke up, she didn't find Han Jianfeng, but just looked at Su Zhaoxue blankly.

Su Zhaoxue cursed in her heart that she was really stupid, she was so excited that she forgot that Wang Xuan'er was by her side, now if she saw Han Jianfeng, Wang Xuan'er would be so excited.

As expected by Su Zhaoxue, Wang Xuan'er saw Han Jianfeng standing at the door of the ward in the next second.

With light in his eyes, he immediately woke up, jumped up from the bed, and ran towards Han Jianfeng quickly without even wearing his shoes: "Husband, husband, are you here?" Look at mine."

(End of this chapter)

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