After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 413 Wang Xuan'er Runs Out

Chapter 413 Wang Xuan'er Runs Out

"I just want him to relax." Qin Zexi took Su Zhaoxue by the hand, but smiled at her very gently: "During this period, he was really troubled by following me because of the company's affairs."

Su Zhaoxue knew that Qin Zexi carried a lot of things in her heart, but she didn't want to make her worry, so she usually pretended that nothing happened in front of her.

Just like at this moment, although he was very relaxed when he spoke and didn't say many things about the company, Su Zhaoxue still vaguely felt that this time things were really very tricky.

"It will be fine, everything will be fine, the company will be fine, Mr. Gu will be fine, and our child will be born safely."

Su Zhaoxue didn't know how to comfort him, so she could only hold his hand and put it on her stomach.

Although it has been three months now, there is still no sign that my stomach is about to bulge.

"Look, the baby in your stomach is cheering for you."

But Su Zhaoxue knew that Qin Zexi would definitely feel it.

"Well, it's going to be okay, with you guys by my side, everything will be okay."

When Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi went back, it was not too late, it was around eleven o'clock, but as soon as they entered the door, a servant ran over anxiously: "Master is not well, Miss Wang was alone just now I ran out, and I don't know where she got the car keys. There was something wrong with the car and it was going to be sent for repairs. I sent someone out to look for it just now, but I didn't see Miss Wang at all. trace."

Su Zhaoxue slapped her on the forehead. She was so worried about Qin Zexi just now, but she forgot that it must be abnormal for Wang Xuaner to let her out so obediently.

Really stupid!

"How long has she been out?" Qin Zexi remained calm.

The servant tried hard to recall: "It's been about an hour."

"She must have gone to find that scumbag Han Jianfeng. I will go find her."

Su Zhaoxue turned around and walked towards the car!
Wang Xuan'er didn't know many people in the capital, so if she ran out at night, there was no one else except Han Jianfeng.

Qin Zexi quickly followed behind her: "I'll go with you."

The Gu family's mansion is not too far from the Han family. Fortunately, there is not much traffic jam at night. In half an hour, it has already parked outside Han Jianfeng's villa.

The gate of the villa was wide open, and a car with a damaged front was parked outside the yard. The car was still driving with double flashing lights, and the engine had not been turned off.

Su Zhaoxue was terrified, afraid that Wang Xuan'er was on it, so she got out of the car and walked over, but found that there was no one in the car.

After turning off the car, Su Zhaoxue asked Qin Zexi, "Is this your car?"

Qin Zexi glanced at the license plate in front of the car, then nodded: "Probably yes, the Gu family's license plate will have a letter G, but I'm not sure, let's go and have a look first."

The two rushed to the entrance of the villa, only to find that the gate of the villa was also open, and a male voice full of air suddenly came out from inside: "Although our Han family is not powerful, we are a well-established family. But Jianfeng is the only seedling of our Han family, and the wife he wants to marry must be a girl from a decent family, and you, Wang Xuan'er, definitely do not meet our family's requirements."

(End of this chapter)

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