Chapter 416
Su Zhaoxue put her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and then gently left the room.

Go downstairs, Qin Zexi is in the living room!
Su Zhaoxue stepped forward and sat down beside him, then took his arm and leaned on his shoulder: "Xuan'er wants a divorce, let me prepare a divorce agreement for her, do you know how to do this?"

"You mean, you want me to try it first?" Who knows Qin Zexi laughed.

Try to divorce first!
"What!" Su Zhaoxue patted him angrily: "I mean, you know a lot of people, can you prepare one for her?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi smiled, "If I prepare for Wang Xuan'er, Han Jianfeng will definitely drag me into a fight."

"He dares, if he dares to beat you, I promise to help you beat him by the side."

Coincidentally, she also wanted to beat this person up very much!
But after finishing speaking, he remembered something: "Didn't Han Jianfeng always want to get a divorce, why did he pull you into a fight?"

"Who said Han Jianfeng wanted a divorce?"

"Huh?" Su Zhaoxue didn't understand what he meant, she sat up straight suddenly, and then looked at him suspiciously.

"He doesn't want a divorce? For what, child?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi smiled, then shook his head at her, stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms: "It's impossible for others to see or explain things like feelings clearly. It's not that Han Jianfeng is not I like Wang Xuaner, but he has a lot of worries, and now there is no way to really like Wang Xuaner."

Su Zhaoxue expressed her incomprehension: "What does it mean not to like Wang Xuan'er openly? If he likes Wang Xuan'er, why would he let her be wronged? You saw it yesterday, Wang Xuan'er passed out, as if he was looking at a stranger. He is called liking, if this is called liking, I really have no way to accept it."

Like someone, but make her sad, make her cry, make her sad, what kind of liking is that!
"Huh? Do you still want to accept other people's likes?"

However, at this moment, the hand that was originally around her waist suddenly increased its strength.

Su Zhaoxue blushed, seemed to tremble all over, and said quickly: "No, what I mean is that Han Jianfeng doesn't like Wang Xuan'er at all, anyway, I can't tell."

"Okay, you spend more time with Wang Xuan'er recently, and don't worry about Han Jianfeng's affairs."

Su Zhaoxue nodded: "Okay."

After a pause, he still asked, "Can the company's affairs really be resolved?"

"It's okay, don't worry, I can take care of it." Qin Zexi knew that she was worried, and helped her hair on her forehead with a smile: "Don't you believe in your husband's ability?"

Su Zhaoxue curled her lips, seemingly calm on the surface: "Trust me, otherwise I won't like you, and I will choose you as my husband."

Her vision is very high!
Qin Zexi looked at her, and the smile in his eyes seemed to deepen a bit: "I like this sentence, but can you express it a little bit?"

Do it again!
Su Zhaoxue said that she was cheated.

She moved back subconsciously, and looked at him with her arms crossed defensively: "It's broad daylight now, what do you want to express, and I'm still pregnant."

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Zexi laughed, and tapped her on the head: "Be careful to teach the child badly, come on, call me husband."

Su Zhaoxue blushed: "Husband!"

After a long time, she was thinking too much!

(End of this chapter)

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