After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 428 Qin Zexi is dead, the child in your stomach has no father

Chapter 428 Qin Zexi is dead, the child in your stomach has no father
"I'm not interested in meeting your boyfriend. If you call me here just to show your affection, I think you've found the wrong one."

As Su Zhaoxue said that, she was already making a gesture to get up, and to continue to stay here, she was afraid that she would spit out her overnight meal.

"Heh, didn't you come here just to find Qin Zexi? Why don't you want to?" Song Yiran suddenly spoke again.

Su Zhaoxue's movements of holding on to the table to get up suddenly stopped suddenly, and she looked up at Song Yiran: "You know?"

"Honey, people want to eat cakes, so go buy them for them."

Song Yiran laughed, acted coquettishly at Jack beside her, and sent him away.

Waiting for Jack to go far away, Song Yiran turned his head and put his eyes on Su Zhaoxue, glanced at her up and down, and finally landed on her stomach: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's been five months, you How pitiful it would be if this child was born without a father."

Su Zhaoxue was startled, and subconsciously covered her stomach with her hand. In order not to let Song Yiran find her flustered, Su Zhaoxue tightly squeezed the chair under her body with the other hand to make herself look extremely calm: "Yes Just say it, since you have called me here, you definitely don't want to talk nonsense to me."

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran smiled indifferently: "I mean, Qin Zexi is dead, and the child in your belly has no father."

Su Zhaoxue's face turned pale, her pupils instantly dilated, and her mind went blank.

Looking at Song Yiran's disgusting smiling face, she clearly wanted to throw a glass of water at her, but she seemed to be frozen by something, unable to do anything.

"Surprised, unbelievable? Hahaha."

Seeing Su Zhaoxue's appearance, Song Yiran suddenly burst out laughing proudly.

"Su Zhaoxue, Su Zhaoxue, you have to know that Qin Zexi's death was caused by you. If it weren't for you, he would still be the prince of the Gu family, the executive president of the Gu family, and my husband, Song Yiran, but he But he wants to marry you, but he only wants you."

"If it wasn't for you..."

Song Yiran was talking, suddenly seemed to get excited, and his voice unconsciously doubled: "If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have died, so if you want to blame, you can only blame him, you insist on pestering him. It's you who is holding him..."


Song Yiran was still talking, but a glass of water suddenly poured down from the top of her head.

The water wetted her face, fell down her jaw, and wet her clothes.

"what are you doing?"

Song Yiran was caught off guard and pushed the chair away and stood up, and couldn't help but yelled.

Su Zhaoxue looked at her with an expressionless face, but her eyes were cold: "Qin Zexi is my husband, no one can say that he is dead without my consent. Even if he is dead, I should collect his body , before I saw his body, no one has the right to say that he is dead. Especially you, Song Yiran, I advise you to avoid appearing in front of me in the future. I am pregnant and have a bad temper. Maybe one day, instead of water, sulfuric acid will be thrown on you."

As Su Zhaoxue said that, she turned around and was about to leave. Just when Jack came back from buying a cake, when Su Zhaoxue passed him, she directly elbowed his arm.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

All the cakes I just bought spilled on Song Yiran's body!

(End of this chapter)

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