After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 431 5, you aborted the child

Chapter 431 5000, you aborted the child
Su Zhaoxue was trembling with anger, thinking that Gu Ping planned Qin Zexi's matter, she wanted to go up and slap Gu Ping.

I have never seen such a vicious woman, even if she is not her own nephew, she has lived with her for so many years anyway.

Why is it so inhumane to start a fight.

"Hehe, Su Zhaoxue, do you like to deceive yourself so much?"

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran chuckled suddenly: "I told you already, Qin Zexi is dead."

"What right do you have to live here when you're dead?"

Song still looked at Su Zhaoxue, with a cold smile in his long Danfeng eyes.

Su Zhaoxue was not afraid of her, she gritted her teeth and said, "Then don't forget, I am Qin Zexi's wife, and I haven't even admitted that he is dead, what qualifications do you have."

"Besides, I am pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Gu family. If you drive me out, I will sue you in court. Don't you want to monopolize the Gu family's property? Hehe, I want to see how much you can swallow."


Song Yiran was obviously irritated by Su Zhaoxue, and was thinking about getting up from the sofa.

But she didn't want to be stopped by Gu Ping calmly, she looked at Su Zhaoxue, and suddenly raised her mouth with a smile on her gloomy face: "Miss Su, how about we make a deal?"

"Okay." Su Zhaoxue raised her eyebrows: "But can you put away your hypocritical smile, it looks disgusting."

The smile on Gu Ping's face suddenly stopped there, and her face turned red and white, which was very embarrassing.

Seeing her like that, Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing.

"Su Zhaoxue, don't push yourself too hard, you're shameless, right?"

Song Yiran couldn't help it this time, and stood up from the sofa glaring directly.

"Didn't it mean to make a deal? Not to mention that I went up, I'm very busy." Su Zhaoxue didn't bother to talk to her, and turned around to make a gesture to go upstairs.

"Okay, still, sit down first. When I'm talking with Ms. Su, don't interrupt." Gu Ping is still old and hot.

Although Song Yiran was full of reluctance, he finally sat down.

"Miss Su, I'll give you 5000 million, and you aborted the child."

This time, Gu Ping met Shan directly at the door, saving even the hypocritical politeness.

However, Su Zhaoxue didn't have that much thought to go around with her. Hearing Gu Ping's words, the coolness in his eyes seemed to freeze, but when he turned his head, it had already turned into a smile: "5000 million , Is it too little? The blood of the Gu family is only worth 5000 million?"

"Then how much do you want?" Gu Ping looked at her, as if Su Zhaoxue's reaction was what she had expected, and there was even a determined smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Another million."

Song Yiran suddenly stared and shouted: "Su Zhaoxue, are you crazy? What do you think you are, you think you are worth [-] million because you are pregnant with a child?"

Su Zhaoxue didn't even look at her, her eyes were still on Gu Ping: "Whether it's worth [-] million is in your heart, Gu Ping, isn't it? Besides, Elder Gu still had a will before, what if the will If you find it, or Gu Lao suddenly woke up."

Su Zhaoxue purposely didn't make it too clear, but she knew that Gu Ping knew everything. If she gave birth to this child, with the status of Gu's flesh and blood, what she got would not be worth [-] million yuan!

(End of this chapter)

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