After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 438 Are You Wang Xuan'er?

Chapter 438 Are You Wang Xuan'er?
The wind outside the car was very strong, and the woman seemed to be wearing only a thin red dress.

The woman held the front of the car with one hand, and held a package in the other. The package was thick as if it was wrapped in something.

The red skirt was very long, and it was flying with the wind behind the woman.

The woman's red dress was mixed with the wind and snow all over the sky. When Han Jianfeng looked at it, he felt as if he was fascinated.

I feel that this woman looks a bit like Wang Xuan'er!

Han Jianfeng was taken aback by his own thoughts, and quickly shook his head to wake himself up. He must have been too fascinated by his thoughts just now, and that's why he recognized this woman as Wang Xuan'er.

Pushing open the car door, Han Jianfeng got out of the car.

Standing by the car door, without stepping forward, he just asked formulaically, "How are you, is there anything wrong?"

The woman turned her head to look at him, her palm-sized face was as white as transparent, her pair of red phoenix eyes were slightly upturned, her small nose matched with bloody red lips, giving off a charming beauty, deadly and unstoppable. reject.

Just like Wang Xuan'er!
He knew it was impossible, but he couldn't control himself!

The snowflakes fell on his neck and turned into a drop of water, feeling a little cold!
Han Jianfeng was a little annoyed at himself, why did he always think of Wang Xuan'er at this moment!

"Are you okay? If it's okay, please get out of the way."

Han Jianfeng was a little restless and impatient, so his tone of voice was naturally bad.

"This is you, go on." The woman's face was expressionless, her red lips slightly parted, and she suddenly threw the package in her hand.

Han Jianfeng picked it up almost subconsciously. He thought it was something, but after taking it, he realized it was a child.

The child closed his eyes in the package and slept soundly.

And this kid.
"Who are you, where did you get the child?" Almost instantly, Han Jianfeng raised his head and looked sharply at the woman in red in front of him.

The woman raised her lips and chuckled sarcastically: "You don't recognize your child?"

The voice is a little familiar, like Wang Xuan'er's voice is very crisp, but less sweet!

Han Jianfeng was surprised by his abnormality at this moment. The woman in front of him obviously did not look like Wang Xuan'er at all, but why could he always see Wang Xuan'er from her?
And the child in his arms, the first time he saw it, he felt like Wang Xuan'er and his child!
But this child was bigger than his and Wang Xuan'er's, and his skin was not wrinkled. Just by looking at the small face that was exposed, one could tell that this child was very healthy, not at all like a child who was born prematurely for only a few days.

Han Jianfeng had some doubts in his heart, but he still didn't believe it. Then he said, "Who are you? This child is not mine."

The woman seemed to have expected that Han Jianfeng would say this a long time ago, she snorted softly, and then said coldly: "Hmph, Han Jianfeng, let me tell you, if you don't take this child back to your Han's house, he will die. The child born through hard work is not something you don’t want if you want it. He is your Han Jianfeng’s child, not a cat or dog that can be thrown away casually on the side of the road. I will hand over the child to you today. If you don’t take it back, or something happens to him I will wash your Han family with blood."

"You are Wang Xuan'er?" Han Jianfeng almost blurted out after listening to the woman's words. He opened his eyes in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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