After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 440 Wang Xuan'er really left

Chapter 440 Wang Xuan'er really left

"And let me warn you, after you and Ou Ruting get married, I don't care how many children you will have, but I don't allow you to bully my little boy. If anything happens to my little boy, I will let you all be buried together .”

When the woman said this, she seemed to be unable to continue, she suddenly withdrew her arms, and then turned around.

The moment he turned around, the tears in his eyes flowed down silently.

"Okay, that's all I have to explain, let's go."

After finally restraining her excitement, Hu Xianya knew that she could not stay here any longer.

She wanted to turn her head to look at Han Jianfeng, and say goodbye to him properly, but in the end she stopped her thought and walked forward step by step.

She can only make such a decision, she is afraid that she will be reluctant!
do not go!
Han Jianfeng raised his arms, shouting in his heart, wanting to go forward and grab her.

But the snowflakes were flying all over the sky, and that figure disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant like a snowflake falling on the back of his hand.

Only two seconds before and after!
It really disappeared in front of him!
"Wang Xuan'er."

Han Jianfeng shouted subconsciously!

But on the empty street, no one responded to him!
"Hu Xianya." Han Jianfeng shouted again unwillingly!
But still, no one responded.

And the snowflakes that were still fluttering suddenly stopped when the big red figure disappeared.

Only the white that can be seen everywhere is left in front of my eyes!

Han Jianfeng stood in a daze on the street, suddenly felt something, as if it flew away from his heart.

it hurts!

It was painful for him to breathe!

Looking down at the sleeping child in his arms, Han Jianfeng opened the car door!
He doesn't believe it!

He is not willing!

He thought the child could keep her!

But he seems to be wrong, and wrong too much!

Su Zhaoxue had a dream. In the dream, it seemed that it was snowing heavily. A beautiful woman in a bright red dress stood in front of her, just like Wang Xuan'er, calling her crisply: "Miss sister, I'm here!" Say goodbye to you, I should go."

"When you wake up, don't be surprised if you don't see me. They have already come to pick me up, so I have to go."

"Thank you for taking care of me during this period of time. You are the only person who has treated me well since I came here. I also know that you really want to cheer me up and get better soon, but Now I'm going to let you down, I'm sorry Miss Sister."

"I've already given the brat to Han Jianfeng. If you have time in the future, please go and see the brat more. Please, miss."

Just as Su Zhaoxue's dream ended, the door of the ward suddenly seemed to be knocked open by some great force.

Su Zhaoxue was awakened instantly!

Immediately afterwards, he saw Han Jianfeng rushing in with a package in his arms. He seemed very anxious, and asked Su Zhaoxue, "Where is Wang Xuan'er?"

Su Zhaoxue hadn't woken up yet, so she glanced sideways at the hospital bed next to her, and saw Wang Xuan'er's figure on the bed that was tidied quickly.

The scene in the dream suddenly came to mind.

Su Zhaoxue was startled, subconsciously got off the bed, and searched around the ward.

But there is still no sign of Wang Xuan'er!

(End of this chapter)

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