After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 455 Meet That Man Again!

Chapter 455 Meet That Man Again!

I don't know how long I sat on the ground in the small courtyard, until there was a sound of talking at the door, and Su Zhaoxue finally recovered.

"Hey, have new neighbors moved here?"

Accompanied by a female voice, Su Zhaoxue turned her head and saw a woman's face poking in from outside.

The moment Su Zhaoxue saw the woman, Su Zhaoxue was startled. Isn't this the girl who looked a little like her when she saw that man that day?
Looking at it from a distance, it does look a bit similar, but now that I look closely, I find that it doesn't seem to be very similar.

The woman is here, is the man here too?
Su Zhaoxue's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and she subconsciously supported the pillar next to her to get up.

When the woman saw Su Zhaoxue, there seemed to be a flash of surprise in her eyes, but soon she laughed again: "There is really someone, I just moved out yesterday, and today I have a new neighbor, so fast .”

I don't know if it was sitting on the ground for too long, or what happened, when Su Zhaoxue got up, her legs were so numb that she couldn't stand still, and she just fell forward.

"Hey, be careful." As soon as the woman finished speaking, she saw Su Zhaoxue about to fall, so she hurried over and wanted to support her.

But fortunately, Su Zhaoxue kept holding the pillar with her hand, and she didn't fall off, but her little face turned pale with fright, and her back broke out in cold sweat.

"Are you alone, where is your husband?" The woman looked at Su Zhaoxue with a twinkle in her eyes.

Su Zhaoxue stood up and glanced at the door. The man didn't seem to be there, otherwise why didn't he come in.

"My husband is on a business trip, and he won't be back until some time later." Su Zhaoxue responded lightly, planning to go out.

It wasn't because she was in a hurry to leave, but she just wanted to see if the man who looked like Qin Zexi was at the door.

Just waiting for her to walk to the door, but found that there was no one at the door.

Su Zhaoxue was a little disappointed, she thought she could identify the man more clearly if she looked at the man up close!

Just looking back, if that man was really Qin Zexi, why didn't he come out and recognize her?
Maybe it's just a coincidence!
"Hey, where is my husband?"

The woman just came out too, looked at the empty doorway, and said doubtfully.

Then he quickly smiled at Su Zhaoxue: "My name is Yinghua, I grew up in this small town, and I live across from your yard. We will be neighbors from now on. I think you just moved Come here, if you need any help, come to me anytime.”

"I'm going back to find my husband, bye."

After Sakura finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the small yard opposite.

Su Zhaoxue subconsciously looked towards the direction Sakura pointed to just now, but suddenly saw a man on the second floor in the courtyard.

Su Zhaoxue was shocked!
The man didn't wear a hat this time, but he still wore sunglasses, a big mask, a loose shirt, and a very ordinary crew cut.

The skin is very fair, even whiter than a girl's!
Because country M is summer all year round, the residents of the small town have dark skin and not very fair skin.

Although the man dressed up like a resident of this small town, it gave the impression that he was not.

And men also wear sunglasses and masks at home?
(End of this chapter)

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