Chapter 467 Eating together

"Zhaoxue, are you traveling far away?" Sakura greeted her warmly when she saw her.

Su Zhaoxue smiled: "I went to pick up my sister, her name is Yu Guo."

After speaking, he said to Yu Guo again: "This is our neighbor, Sakura."

Sakura was still smiling: "Hey Yu Guo, I grew up here since I was very young. If you are bored here, you can come to me and I will take you out to play."

After finishing speaking, he continued to say to Su Zhaoxue: "It's just right, I'm going to buy some food, and I'll call your husband and sister to my house for dinner later. It just happens to be a cleansing for your sister."

Su Zhaoxue thought that Yu Guo's condition was not good, and just wanted to refuse, but Yinghua said boldly: "Then it's settled, I'll go shopping first, remember to come."

After finishing speaking, she left directly, and Su Zhaoxue didn't even have time to say what was in her mouth!

After entering the house, two servants were cleaning the house, but Xu Qinqi was not at home.

Su Zhaoxue didn't bother to take care of him, so she asked the servant to tidy up a room for Yu Guo to live in.

After tidying up, Yu Guo went to tidy up his things.

Su Zhaoxue was in the living room thinking whether she should go to eat or refuse.

She really wanted to see it, but mainly because she wanted to see that man.

Maybe from the clues of life, we can tell whether that person is Qin Zexi or not.

But Su Zhaoxue despises her own idea very much.

The husband and wife are very affectionate, this is what she sees, why does she always regard that man as Qin Zexi?

That was someone else's husband, why did she keep thinking about it in her heart?

There is no sign of her husband being found until now, so why should she miss other people's husbands!

Su Zhaoxue really despises herself so much, she doesn't know whether she is in a daze, or is she thinking about Qin Zexi crazy, thinking that that man is him?

Su Zhaoxue slapped her face hard, trying to wake herself up, then got up and went upstairs to her room.

Back here, she must take the restraint belt with her at all times!

And she needs to solve the matter here as soon as possible. After all, her months are getting heavier and her belly is getting bigger and bigger. If she keeps using the restraint belt, it will be very bad for the child.

And if Qin Zexi is really confirmed to have an accident by then, the child will be the only thought he left for her.

Although Su Zhaoxue has never dared to think about it!
As soon as I went upstairs, I heard a noise from below!
Su Zhaoxue stood by the window of the room and could see the situation inside and outside the yard.

But he found that Xu Qinqi came back at some time, with a bench and some fishing equipment in his hand.Sakura was standing at the door talking to him, while Xu Qinqi handed her the big bucket containing fish in the water.

Su Zhaoxue helped her forehead helplessly, Yinghua should have come to ask them to eat, and then ran into Xu Qinqi.

So in order to express his gratitude, Xu Qinqi gave Sakura the fish he caught today.

It seems that this meal must be eaten today!
Sure enough, there was a knock on the door soon: "Little Fairy, are you in the room?"

After Su Zhaoxue fastened the buttons of her corset, she responded, "Well, I'm here."

While talking, he has already stepped forward and opened the door!
(End of this chapter)

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