After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 47 About the Mistress

Chapter 47 About the Mistress

Su Zhaoxue lowered her head and took a sip of the millet porridge. After a moment of hesitation, she turned her head and looked at Qin Zexi: "Qin Zexi, can I make a small suggestion?"

"Huh?" Qin Zexi was a little surprised.

"Well, I just think that you don't have to cook so much for breakfast every day. Just make one or two things enough to eat. If you think it's monotonous, it's the same if you don't repeat it for a week."

In this way, there is no need to waste, and it can also reduce the burden of the kitchen as a breakfast master.

"Well, you are the hostess here, so you have the final say." Qin Zexi didn't even hesitate.

Su Zhaoxue was really speechless. She glanced embarrassedly at Han Bo who just came with breakfast: "I don't have any other intentions. I just feel that I do too much every day, and you may not be able to eat everything."

She didn't want to put on any hostess airs!
"The kitchen masters in the villa are all brought over from Gu's mansion, and they have always followed the habits of Gu's mansion. If the young lady is dissatisfied, just tell me directly. I will specially help the young lady. prepared separately.

Han Bo put a bowl of millet porridge and a stack of steamed stuffed buns in front of Qin Zexi, and his attitude was still respectful when he spoke, but the meaning in his words was not so gentle.

In fact, Han Bo secretly reminded Su Zhaoxue that Qin Zexi belongs to the Gu family, and everything here belongs to the Gu family, and the things of the Gu family are naturally not so easy to change.

Su Zhaoxue was like a mirror in her heart, and quickly smiled: "No need, I just said it casually."

But after being kicked out of the Su family for so many years, she was used to living a hard life, so she was not used to living in a rich family suddenly.

Glancing at Qin Zexi, who was drinking porridge with his head down, he didn't intend to speak.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but smiled wryly in her heart!
In the end, she just came here to live here for a while. If Qin Zexi got upset one day and gave her a divorce certificate, she would pack up her things quickly and leave.

Whether the hostess is not the hostess, she still knows what weight she has.

Su Zhaoxue had a breakfast that was boring, and she was in a good mood, but suddenly she fell down.

After finally finishing the porridge in front of him, the buns couldn't be eaten any longer. He put down the spoon, got up and pushed away the chair. Before leaving, he paused: "I'm done eating, take your time."

Then he turned around and left the restaurant!
Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was unhappy.

Qin Zexi raised his eyes to look at her back, a smile suddenly appeared in his dark eyes for some reason.

Being angry means you still care about him!

Is she annoyed that he didn't speak for her just now?

Withdrawing his gaze and putting down the spoon in his hand, Qin Zexi leaned back on the chair, with a loose but elegant posture, tapped the table with his fingers, pondered for a while, and then slowly called out: "Uncle Han."

Han Bo stepped forward in response: "Young master, what are your orders?"

Qin Zexi looked at him and said coldly, "Did you not understand what I said before?"

Han Bo was stunned: "I don't understand what the young master means."

"Don't you understand?" Qin Zexi's tone was indifferent, but the eyes that looked at Han Bo were like ice blades: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can tell you again."

"Su Zhaoxue is the woman I brought back. I asked you to call her Young Madam just to tell you her status in this family. Do you understand now?"

 In the new week, continue to ask for five-star praise!
(End of this chapter)

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