After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 481 Give birth to a daughter

Chapter 481 gave birth to a daughter

After a day and a night of pain, Su Zhaoxue was in pain as if all the bones in her body had been pulled out, and she finally gave birth to a daughter!
She weighed about six pounds, and the doctor said she was very healthy. After she was born, the loud cries could be heard in the obstetrics inpatient department.

She doesn't have any girlish restraint at all!
At Su Zhaoxue's request, the child was delivered to the delivery room with her!
She was afraid that the child would be taken away by Qin Zexi!

Outside the delivery room, Yu Guo, Qin Zexi and Sakura are waiting!

Seeing Su Zhaoxue coming out, Qin Zexi seemed to want to lean in, but was held back by Sakura.

"Grandpa is dying, shouldn't the child be taken back immediately?"

Qin Zexi looked at Sakura, and suddenly froze, not even having time to push away Sakura's hand on his arm.

Su Zhaoxue was lying on the mobile hospital bed, and happened to see the movements of the two of them.

It would be a lie to say that she was not sad, but at this time she didn't even have the strength to cry, she just felt that her heart was really hurting.

Sakura saw that Qin Zexi didn't speak, and probably knew what he was thinking: "You can't take her back, Gu Ping spent [-] million to buy this child's life, you think you are suddenly taking Su Zhaoxue back now, Gu Ping knows that the child If she is not drained, how will she be dealt with?"

"She just gave birth and she is very weak. If you really want Su Zhaoxue's best, don't bring Su Zhaoxue out recently."

"And even if you take the child back now and say that the child is the flesh and blood of the Gu family, they will only ask for a DNA test on the child and the old man. As long as the child proves to be the Gu family, everything will be easy."

"You have to know that your current identity is in jeopardy, and you can't let Gu Ping find you. Do you think you can take Su Zhaoxue back and protect her safely?"

"What's more, we are only here as the adoptive parents of the child, to take back Mrs. Hui, and we don't want her to do anything to her child. After the matter is over, we will return it to her. It's no big deal. Since she likes you , are you unwilling to help me with this little favor?"

Qin Zexi paused for a moment without speaking, pushed away Sakura's hand and walked into the ward.

As soon as Su Zhaoxue settled down in the ward, Qin Zexi appeared.

Su Zhaoxue didn't have much strength, so she was lying on the hospital bed. The child was placed on the crib in the hospital. Seeing Qin Zexi, Su Zhaoxue subconsciously stretched out her hand and held the crib tightly.

"I won't give it to you, child, don't even think about it."

Her hair was still messy, she hadn't even had time to change her clothes, her eyes were slightly red, her already fair face was even paler at this moment, and her lips were even more dry and bloodless.

Seeing Su Zhaoxue like this, Qin Zexi felt very distressed, and wanted to step forward, but seeing Su Zhaoxue's defense against him, he stopped quickly, and then called her heavily: "Zhaoxue... "

"Go away, I don't want to see you."

Su Zhaoxue still couldn't figure it out. Back in the small town, she hugged him and cried, begging him to take her with him, but he didn't take her with him, instead he took the cherry blossoms with him!
She is his wife, isn't she? Even if he has any secrets or difficulties, shouldn't it be the two of them who have to face together? Why is it him and an unrelated stranger!
No, maybe in Qin Zexi's heart, Sakura is more important than her and her children now!
(End of this chapter)

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