After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 484 Niuniu Was Carried Away

Chapter 484 Niuniu Was Carried Away
Su Zhaoxue shook her head, then stood up from the bed again: "If I don't have Niu Niu, what's the point even if I take care of my body, I will definitely get Niu Niu back."

After being discharged from the hospital, Su Zhaoxue didn't even go back to pack her things. She bought a plane ticket and took Yu Guo to the capital.

Su Zhaoxue knew nothing about Qin Zexi's current situation, and the two got off the plane and didn't know where to find Qin Zexi.

The head of the Gu family is still Gu Ping, and based on Su Zhaoxue's understanding of Qin Zexi, it is impossible for him to go back to the Gu family.

But where would he go if he didn't look back?

Su Zhaoxue tried to contact Qin Zexi, just like what Yu Guo said, but it didn't work at all, Qin Zexi's phone was always turned off.

"Sister Xue, why don't we go to Gu's to try our luck, maybe he will go back again?"

Su Zhaoxue nodded: "Well, this is the only way to go now."

The two left the airport to stop the car, but they didn't want to run into acquaintances at the gate of the airport.

Su Zhaoxue subconsciously pulled Yu Guo and wanted to avoid it, but she didn't want the man to see her when he turned around.

Xu Qinqi looked at her, with a calm smile on the corner of his mouth, then took off his sunglasses, stretched out his hand and wanted to hug her: "Little fairy."

Su Zhaoxue directly moved away, not letting him approach her.

"Little fairy, I haven't seen you for a few months, don't you know me?" Xu Qinqi pretended to be wronged.

Su Zhaoxue never expected to meet Xu Qinqi.

She hadn't heard from him since the last time she left town.

"I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first." Su Zhaoxue had something on her mind and didn't want to chat with him, so she pulled Yu Guo and wanted to stop the car.

"Are you going to find Qin Zexi?" Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi didn't care about Su Zhaoxue's attitude at all, and instead said exactly what she was thinking.

Su Zhaoxue glanced at him strangely: "How do you know?"

Xu Qinqi raised his eyebrows: "There are rumors in the capital that Qin Zexi is not dead. I guess you got the news, so you came back."

Qin Zexi is not dead?

Su Zhaoxue didn't understand for a while. After Qin Zexi returned to the capital, didn't he use his own identity?

"Have you seen him?"

Su Zhaoxue thought maybe Xu Qinqi knew Qin Zexi's whereabouts!

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi said: "How would I know, I just know some rumors, it's just that Mr. Gu has been critically ill recently, if he is really still alive, he should go see Mr. Gu."

As Xu Qinqi was talking, he suddenly changed the subject: "But little fairy, you left without saying goodbye a few months ago, but you gave me a good meal, and you haven't fulfilled what you promised me before."

"You haven't found Qin Zexi, how can I honor it with you?"

Xu Qinqi suddenly smiled: "That's easy, if you want to find Qin Zexi, I'll take you there."

Maybe it was because of her rush to the doctor, Su Zhaoxue wanted to find Niuniu, so when Xu Qinqi said it, she got into the car without saying a word.

Xu Qinqi took her to the hospital where Mr. Gu was hospitalized. Su Zhaoxue had been here, so of course she knew about it.

Mr. Gu's ward has not changed, he is still in a coma, but Gu Ping is not there, and Su Zhaoxue meets Sakura unexpectedly.

When Su Zhaoxue entered, Yinghua was tidying up the old man's ward.

(End of this chapter)

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