After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 486 Xu Qinqi What Are You For?

Chapter 486 Xu Qinqi What Are You For?
Sakura didn't seem to have expected that Su Zhaoxue would be much more difficult than she imagined, and she had nothing to say. She thought that she would have the absolute upper hand, but she didn't want to be suppressed, her face turned pale The moment is naturally not good-looking.

Su Zhaoxue didn't care about her: "Sakura, you'd better consult a professional. The child belongs to me and Qin Zexi. As long as I disagree, even if Qin Zexi wants to divorce, he can't leave now."

"Let me tell you, and please tell Qin Zexi that if you are smart, return the child to me quickly. If things get serious, let alone Gu's shares, I will make it impossible for you to get a penny of benefits."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she pulled Yu Guo and left the ward directly.

Xu Qinqi also came out following Su Zhaoxue, and he seemed to be joking as he walked: "Little fairy, why hang yourself on a tree, I'm pretty good, although I'm not as big as the Gu family, but anyway You don’t have to worry about food and clothing, so you might as well consider me.”

"Really?" Su Zhaoxue sneered, and suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Looking sideways at Xu Qinqi: "It's good to marry you, but I don't like schemers."

The smile on Xu Qinqi's face seemed to stagnate for a second, but soon he laughed again: "Little Fairy, what do you mean, why don't I understand?"

"The speedboat master was the one you were looking for at the beginning. He asked for 2000 million yuan, and then the two of them deliberately acted out a play and said those words, which made me believe that the speedboat master could come out and testify for me. Gu Ping wanted to kill Qin Zexi. You just wanted me to go to Gu Ping for money and lure the child. Are you disappointed that the child didn't die?"

"The conversation between you and Sakura in that restaurant in City Y was actually told to me by you on purpose."

"Actually, you and Sakura have known each other for a long time, and you also know that Qin Zexi is not dead at all, right?"

"You were involved in everything, including Qin Zexi's shipwreck."

"Xu Qinqi, I really don't understand. What is your purpose? It's like when you deliberately approached me and pretended to have a crush on me, but why?"

"Don't say whether you really like me or something else. I really don't believe that you will like someone like you."

In fact, these things were connected by Su Zhaoxue in an instant. If Xu Qinqi hadn't said that just now, maybe she really couldn't connect these things with him!
But it was such a coincidence that Su Zhaoxue could see him participating in some things that had nothing to do with him every time.

Xu Qinqi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and was not surprised at all. After listening to Su Zhaoxue's words, he applauded: "Little fairy, I really did see the right person."

"What do you mean?"

Su Zhaoxue originally thought that she had already guessed almost, but now she heard his words, but she suddenly became inexplicable.

"If I tell you that my purpose is to destroy Gu Ping and Song Yiran and take back my Xu family's property, would you believe me?"

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Qinqi who was suddenly very serious: "You probably want to destroy the Gu family."

Would it still take so much trouble to destroy Gu Ping and Song?
(End of this chapter)

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