After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 489 Qin Zexi is finally willing to tell the truth

Chapter 489 Qin Zexi is finally willing to tell the truth
Su Zhaoxue looked at the tightly closed elevator door, and then she looked blank!

Waiting for Qin Zexi?

Is she crazy, why wait for him?

But soon..
It seems to have been slapped in the face!

After waiting at the elevator door for 5 minutes for the elevator, the elevator went up and down at least a dozen times, and finally saw Qin Zexi's figure!

Su Zhaoxue pretended to be calm, pretending not to see him, pretending that she was really waiting for the elevator!
Coincidentally, there was someone waiting for the elevator. Unfortunately, the elevator stopped suddenly, and then the door opened. What was even more unfortunate was that the person waiting for the elevator entered the elevator and asked He said to her: "Miss, do you want to go up?"

Su Zhaoxue was instantly embarrassed!
She froze for a second in panic, then shook her head hastily: "I'll wait for someone, you go up first."

As he spoke, he turned around!
However, the moment she turned around, she ran into someone's arms!
A deep voice passed through her chest to her eardrums: "I know you are waiting for me, let's go up together!"

Su Zhaoxue:
It's really embarrassing!
Why did she say that she was waiting for someone, and that she couldn't do it for other reasons?
Su Zhaoxue lived next door to Yu Guo, and when the two went up, they happened to see Zhong Lian being thrown out by Yu Guo.

Zhong Lian pulled the door pitifully: "Little Guoer, I've explained everything. I didn't want to break up with you. I really didn't. I can swear to God, it's the boss who insisted on..."

"What do I want you to do?"

Zhong Lian was also pitiful, bumping into Qin Zexi before he finished speaking.

Naturally, I didn't dare to say the following words, but I just pulled Yu Guo's door, but refused to let go, looking at Qin Zexi and said flatteringly: "Boss, you can explain it to me, Xiao Guoer doesn't care about her." Accept me."

Qin Zexi glanced at Su Zhaoxue, who was several steps away from him, and expressed helplessness: "My wife doesn't talk to me either."

Su Zhaoxue was angry: "Who is your wife, you give me back Niuniu, and Niuniu gave it to me, we will make a clean break and we will owe nothing to anyone."

Qin Zexi seemed surprised: "Niu Niu is not here."

When Su Zhaoxue heard this, she immediately felt furious: "Qin Zexi, who else could it be if you weren't you? Didn't you want a child? Didn't you send someone pretending to be a nurse into the ward to take Niuniu away? Who else but you? "

When Su Zhaoxue's words fell, Qin Zexi's face instantly sank, gloomy like the sky before a storm: "Besides me, there is another person who wants Niuniu."

"Who? Didn't you take Niuniu away?"

Su Zhaoxue became anxious and almost cried.

"Gu Ping."

"How did Gu Ping know that the child was still in my stomach? At that time in the small town, Xu Qinqi and Yinghua thought that my child was gone." Su Zhaoxue couldn't believe it.

"Sakura should have told her." Qin Zexi frowned.

Hearing Sakura's name, Su Zhaoxue's emotions suddenly seemed to collapse: "Qin Zexi, do you think I am a three-year-old child? If you want to be with Sakura, just say, I will help you, why do you want to be together?" move my child?"

"You know that the child is my life, and I gave birth to her with so much painstaking effort. Back in the small town, you refused to recognize me, but you lived with Sakura all day long. I should have noticed at that time Yes, but I'm stupid, I'm still trying to excuse you, thinking you must have something to hide."

(End of this chapter)

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