Chapter 493
Not long after Qin Zexi left, an unfamiliar number came in on the phone.

Su Zhaoxue clicked on it subconsciously, but there was no sound from the other end of the phone for a long time!

Su Zhaoxue fed her several times, and just when she felt something was wrong, a cry of a child came from the phone with a "wow".

"Niu Niu? Niu Niu?"

Su Zhaoxue was in a hurry and shouted!

The phone was hung up suddenly, and then a message came in.

"Those who want children, come to Dongjiao Wetland Park alone."

Su Zhaoxue didn't think too much at all, she got up and ran out before she had time to change into her home clothes.

Dongjiao Wetland Park is a new park just developed two years ago. The park is very large, but because of its remote location, there are very few people.

It took about an hour and a half to walk from Qin Zexi's residence to Dongjiao Park, and there was another traffic jam on the road, so Su Zhaoxue was so anxious that she just drove the door and ran over by herself.

After finally arriving at the destination, Su Zhaoxue grabbed a handful of money and threw it directly to the taxi driver before running into the park.

Entering the park is a main road. On the right side of the main road is a tourist rest area, and on the left is a large lotus pond.

Going forward, there is a small square. Going to the left of the square is a playground, and walking to the right is a scenic spot for tourists to walk.

Su Zhaoxue wanted to dial that unfamiliar number, but when she called, it showed that she couldn't connect.

Just after hanging up, a text message came in: "Walk along the scenic area, go all the way to the innermost part, and see a hut that has not been demolished, then come in."

Su Zhaoxue followed the prompts and walked towards the scenic area. She said she was walking but actually ran, because the scenic area is really big. It was the first time for Su Zhaoxue to come, and she searched for at least half an hour. I saw a small house that was not demolished!
The hut was demolished and there was only one small room left, surrounded by broken bricks. When Su Zhaoxue saw the house, her heart beat faster and she walked over quickly.

Probably because of being anxious, he tripped several times, and the palm of his hand scratched several layers of skin on the broken bricks on the ground.

It's just that Su Zhaoxue didn't seem to know the pain, got up and ran towards the hut.

As he approached the hut, he could vaguely hear the cries of a child. Su Zhaoxue became even more anxious, and fell to the ground again without paying attention.

This time the knee was directly smashed, a large piece of flesh was directly knocked off, and blood flowed out all at once.

Su Zhaoxue didn't care so much, she just wanted to get up quickly and continue walking, but her knee was already sore that she couldn't stand upright at all.

But the crying in the room is getting louder!

Su Zhaoxue frowned in pain. Hearing the cry, she was so anxious that her head was covered with sweat, and the tears in her eyes burst out uncontrollably.

But thinking that Niuniu was in the small room, Su Zhaoxue gritted her teeth cruelly and stood up.

The blood flowed more and more, forming a long blood line from the place where Su Zhaoxue came to the door of the hut.

But at this time, Su Zhaoxue didn't know the pain at all, and when she approached the hut, she happily pushed open the door of the hut.

The room was very small, and Su Zhaoxue recognized Niu Niu who was placed directly on the floor of the hut. She was still wearing the clothes she had when she was taken away from the hospital.

The little guy kept crying there, and Su Zhaoxue's heart was about to die of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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