After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 497 I'm Not Here

Chapter 497 I'm Not Here

Sakura intentionally walked very close to Gu Ping, and handed the phone to Gu Ping.

The photo of Niu Niu is on the phone!

Sakura looked at Gu Ping seriously: "This is Su Zhaoxue's child, and of course Qin Zexi's child. Weren't you afraid that this child would be born?"


Gu Ping looked at Niu Niu on the phone in surprise, a little unbelievable, obviously Su Zhaoxue's child had aborted in the hospital before, and there were pictures of the child leaked out.

Yinghua knew what she was going to say, so she hurriedly said: "Su Zhaoxue's child has not been lost, don't you already know, and I said before that I had Qin Zexi's child, but the child I was talking about at that time was actually Su Zhaoxue of this child."

"I don't know where you got the news. You went to take Su Zhaoxue's child away. I think if you are smart, you should return the child and Su Zhaoxue to us."

"I didn't send you this photo, and the child and Su Zhaoxue are not with me. If I take the child away, can I still let you know?"

Although Gu Ping was surprised, she quickly refuted Sakura's words.

"Gu Ping, you obviously sent me this photo." Sakura pinched the phone, but firmly insisted that the photo was sent by Gu Ping.

Looking at the cherry blossoms, Gu Ping was stunned for a moment, and soon she seemed very angry, and waved the cherry blossoms away with her palm: "I didn't post it, but I didn't post it. If you continue to make trouble like this here, I will call someone Here you come. Qin Zexi, you used to be Gu's prestigious executor anyway, if you were thrown out by the security guards, it wouldn't sound good to spread the word."

Gu Ping pointed in the direction of the door and stared at Qin Zexi, as if she had been wronged by the heavens and tolerated to the limit.

Qin Zexi's expression was still calm. After hearing Gu Ping's words, he didn't seem surprised at all, because he didn't seem angry, so he stood up directly from the sofa, put his hands in his pockets, and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Since there is no, then I I won't stay any longer, and I don't need you to bombard me, I can go by myself."

Then he turned around and walked outside!
Yinghua and Gu Ping looked at each other, as if they knew each other, Yinghua didn't say anything, turned around and ran out with Qin Zexi.

All the way to the parking lot outside the door, Sakura caught up with Qin Zexi, and quickly followed him: "Then what should I do now? Gu Ping doesn't admit it, so how can I take the child back?"

Qin Zexi looked cold, did not speak, walked to the car, opened the door, and suddenly looked at Sakura: "Let's have a meal together?"

Sakura was a little flattered, thinking that Qin Zexi was going to play tricks on her again, but was stunned.

Qin Zexi had already gotten into the car: "If you don't go, then I will go by myself."

"Go, go, why don't you go." Sakura hurried over and opened the car door, and then sat on it.

Going to eat, it’s really eating, Qin Zexi didn’t say a word the whole time, Yinghua panicked and found some topics, but Qin Zexi always seemed to ignore Qin Zexi, Yinghua couldn’t figure out Qin Zexi’s meaning, but he could take the initiative Called to eat, Sakura is still very happy.

Qin Zexi answered a phone call on the way, and when he came back, he suddenly had a bag in his hand!
"What is this?" Sakura asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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