After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 508 Wang Xuan'er is here

Chapter 508 Wang Xuan'er is Back
The child must die!

Those two men were the rascals that Sakura invited back, and they dared to do anything for money.

After hearing the order, the meeting naturally stepped forward to grab Su Zhaoxue and pull her away from Yu Guo.

"Don't touch the child."

Su Zhaoxue struggled hard, her hands were tied, subconsciously she stretched out her feet and wanted to kick Sakura away.

She can't break free from a man, let alone two men!
Yu Guo had already taken off the clothes that were on fire, but even so, the place where he was holding Niu Niu was still burned, and a large part of his hair was burned away, and his face was even reddened by the fire.

Sakura reached out to snatch the child from Yu Guo's hand, but Yu Guo protected her tightly, not wanting her to take it away.

"What are you doing, are you crazy, she's just a child."

"This child must die." Sakura gritted her teeth, seeing that she couldn't take it away, she suddenly stretched out her other hand and pinched Yu Guo's burned wrist heavily.

Yu Guo's wrist was already burned to the point of being bloody and bloody, and it hurts heartbreakingly, but in order to hold the child firmly, she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

This would be suddenly pinched by Sakura, as if she had sprinkled a lot of salt on her wound, her wrist seemed to have been sawed off alive, and cold sweat broke out from her forehead in pain.

As soon as the strength in his hand was loosened, the child was picked up by Sakura with one hand.

Sakura was lifting Niuniu's top, the little guy was originally a small one, and she would lift it up in mid-air, like a pile of useless garbage.

"Hmph, fight with me!"

Sakura pinched Yu Guo's wound with one hand, and pulled Niuniu with the other, chuckled in disdain, raised the hand that was holding Niuniu, and threw Niuniu out.



Su Zhaoxue and Yu Guo yelled together, both struggling to save Niuniu.

But Su Zhaoxue was subdued by two big men, and Yu Guo's wrist was pinched by Sakura.

Neither of them can break free!
Su Zhaoxue's tears flowed out suddenly!
Niuniu, her niuniu!
How to do how to do!
No one will save her this time, is she really going to be burned to death?
The fire all over the sky has rushed out of the house, and Niu Niu's deafening cries rang out in the room.

"Niuniu. Niuniu."

Su Zhaoxue struggled vigorously, shouting
She almost collapsed, desperate, and even wanted to rush into the fire, and be burned to death with Niuniu!

"Bah bah bah."

However, at this moment, a woman in red clothes suddenly walked out of the burning room.

The woman held Niu Niu in her arms, and the fire was burning all over them, but it didn't even hit a single corner of their clothes!

The woman has a peerless face, a small oval face, long red phoenix eyes, the corners of which are raised, but there is a fatal charm in her purity!

Lips that were as red as cherries raised slightly, revealing a gorgeous smile!

The woman hugged Niuniu and walked out of the fire. She looked like a fairy descending from the earth, which made people stunned and even amazed!

Su Zhaoxue looked at the woman, crying and laughing subconsciously: "Xuan'er, are you Xuan'er, did you come back as Xuan'er?"

 Those who have seen the previous ones know that Wang Xuan'er is a fox, and this time he came back in real body, and he is not a fox anymore!

  Xiao Xuan'er is back, Ou Ruting is ready to accept the move!
(End of this chapter)

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