After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 511 A pile of stinky shit

Chapter 511
Just like how Sakura treated Su Zhaoxue before, Qin Zexi locked her in a cage!

Sakura's eyes were so swollen that she couldn't see at all, and the gauze was removed. She seemed to be in a panic in the cage, and kept dodging in the cage.

He was still muttering: "Qin Zexi, you can't, you can't treat me like this, I am your savior, and you are repaying your kindness by doing this."

Qin Zexi ordered someone to pour a bucket of salt water into the cage, and the water poured directly from the top of Sakura's head to see through her whole body.

There are cosmetic wounds on her face, and the salt water is falling, so the taste is naturally unpleasant!

In pain, she yelled in the cage: "What are you doing, what did you add to this water? It hurts, it hurts so much."

Qin Zexi was sitting not far from the edge of the cage, while Su Zhaoxue was sitting on his side, he gently held her hand, and when he stared at the cherry blossoms in the cage, he felt cool.

"I reminded you before, Su Zhaoxue is my wife, if I touch her, I won't make it easier for you."

"It seems that I was too kind to you before, and gave you the illusion that my words don't work very well."

Hearing Qin Zexi's voice, Sakura, who was leaning against the corner, quickly got up from the cage, and said in quick succession: "Qin Zexi, this is none of my business, it's not me who wants to touch Su Zhaoxue, it's Gu Ping, it's Gu Ping, it's she who said that as long as I get rid of Su Zhaoxue and the child, you will marry me, she told me."

"So you took Niuniu away from the hospital, and then used Niuniu to catch me. Sakura, you are really vicious, Niuniu is just a baby who was born a few days ago, and you still want to burn her to death, she What threat can it pose to you?"

Su Zhaoxue couldn't stop her heart throbbing when she thought about the scene where Niuniu was thrown into the fire twice in the hut yesterday.

If it wasn't for Yu Guo, if it wasn't for Xuan'er, Niuniu would have been burned to death inside!

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Su Zhaoxue's questioning voice, Yinghua suddenly snorted softly: "Huh, Su Zhaoxue, don't tell me, if it wasn't for your fate, you and your child would have died in that fire. Originally, I planned well, as long as the child dies, you leave, and I become like you, I can stay by Qin Zexi's side. He doesn't like me for one year, and he doesn't like me for two years. He doesn't like me every day. Look at my face like yours, there will always be a day when you like me."

"Ha ha."

However, when Sakura's words fell silent, Qin Zexi suddenly laughed, and there was obvious disdain and sarcasm in that laugh!
"What are you laughing at?" Sakura's expression changed when Qin Zexi laughed.

Qin Zexi said coldly, "I laugh at your ignorance."

"You think that if you look like Su Zhaoxue, I will allow you to stay by my side, and I will like you?"

"A person like you is just a pile of stinky shit in my heart. I feel disgusted when I see you. Do you think I will like you?"

Qin Zexi was so merciless that he demoted the cherry blossoms to nothing!
Even though Sakura was limp in the cage, she was still unwilling: "Since you hate me so much, why did you take me with you and keep me by your side?"

Qin Zexi responded indifferently: "You asked me to take you out of the town. I happen to be short of someone who will send a message to Gu Ping when I return to the capital."

(End of this chapter)

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