Chapter 519

"Since this is the case, that's okay. You can just wait at the door of your house, so that your father won't have to take an extra step."

Han Dong drove off without mercy!

Ou Ruting was taken aback by such words. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Han Dong, as if she was meeting him for the first time.

"Uncle Han." Ou Ruting felt aggrieved!

Han Dong waved his hands angrily: "Ru Ting, Uncle Han has always treated you like his own daughter, but I don't know, so in your heart, you, like your father, look down on our Han family."

"I don't, Uncle Han!"

When Ou Ruting said before that she asked her father to pick her up, she really wanted to follow Ou Shangli to suppress Han Dong, but Ou Ruting really didn't have it in her heart when she said she looked down on the Han family.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you any more. If you want to make a phone call, just call and ask and wait."

Ou Ruting looked at Han Jianfeng as if asking for help, but Han Jianfeng's eyes were on Hu Xianya, and he didn't even glance at her.

Ou Ruting felt as if she had been abandoned, she squeezed her palm tightly and walked out.

Ou Ruting didn't make a call, but she went home angrily, and Ou Shangli still saw it.

"What's the matter? Han Jianfeng gave you face again?"

Ou Ruting sat down on the sofa angrily, crossed her arms around her chest, and looked gloomy. After thinking about it, she asked, "Dad, has the Han family signed any major business recently?"

Ou Shangli was stunned for a moment: "I haven't heard of it, what's the matter?"

"A woman, Han Dong kicked me out in order not to offend her." Ou Ruting felt angry when she thought about it, her angry eyes stared, and she almost didn't open her mouth to bite someone.

"Kick you out? Han Dong? He doesn't want to rely on our Ou family anymore, right? I'm here to find him, and I don't see how much our Ou family has helped their Han family, but actually drove you out." Auchan Li seemed very angry, and put the teacup in his hand on the table, intending to get up.

Ou Ruting quickly stopped him: "Oh, Dad, what are you doing, no wonder Uncle Han said you look down on him, I would think so too."

"What can I look up to about him?" But Ou Shangli retorted disdainfully: "Take you as an example, if you didn't like that Han Jianfeng and insisted on marrying him, I really wouldn't want to marry him." Marriage with their Han family, a small family, has no future at all."

"Forget it, I'm going upstairs to rest." Ou Ruting felt that she could no longer talk to him.

Ou Shangli seemed to want to stop her: "Hey, you just said that the Han family has signed a new big business, what kind of big business is it?"

After Ou Ruting left, just as the meal was ready, Lorna came out and called them to have dinner, planning to pick up the child so that Hu Qianya could eat.

But she didn't want to be blocked by Hu Xianya directly: "It's okay, I can eat him as long as I hug him."

Lorna's expression was embarrassment and inexplicable!

Does this little girl like children so much?

After eating, it is reasonable to say that she should have left after sitting for a while, but Hu Xianya held Zai Zai in her arms and did not let go at all.

Han Jianfeng knew it well and was happy in his heart, so naturally he would not say anything.

It's just that Han Dong is happy in his heart, but the contract hasn't been signed yet, so he can't rest assured!
(End of this chapter)

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