After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 531 I am the child's mother

Chapter 531 I am the child's mother

As soon as Hu Xianya raised her head, she looked at Ou Ruting who was standing not far away. Her voice was not too loud, but it was not too soft either. The people around who didn't pay much attention at first started to pay attention because of her words.

The little boy leaned on Hu Xianya's shoulder, although the crying was not so loud, but he was still moaning.

Hu Xianya didn't want to talk to Ou Ruting, so she didn't speak, but kept patting the little boy's back, hoping that Han Jianfeng would come over soon.

Unexpectedly, Ou Ruting put her nose on the face and walked over directly: "Give me the cub, this is our child."

"Your family's child? Ou Ruting, do you want to lose face?" Hu Xianya dodged directly, her beautiful long eyes swept over her coldly.

Ou Ruting was swept away by her eyes, and goosebumps came out all over her body!
Feeling guilty for a while, I squeezed my palms tightly, but still stabilized myself: "Am I shameless or you are shameless, our Ou family and Han family have always been close like a family, cubs It was I who watched him grow up, it would not be an exaggeration to say that I am his mother."

"Mom? Ha!" Hu Xianya suddenly sneered, "Do you like being a stepmother so much?"

Ou Ruting was so angry that her face turned green on the spot, and her tone was really bitter and mean: "Don't you also have this idea? Could it be that you really like children? It's ridiculous, although I don't know that you are a young woman, no Depending on your family, how did you become the president of a multinational corporation, but if you want to say that your background is clean, few people will believe it. Who do you think Han Jianfeng is, that he would like a woman like you?"

"I'm that kind of woman?" Hu Xianya raised her eyebrows, but she didn't show much anger because of Ou Ruting's words.

"You occupy a high position at such a young age, do you still need me to make it clear? Do you think you are clean?"

Hu Qianya suddenly smiled lightly: "Hehe. That's because your own thoughts are dirty, so thinking about others is also dirty. What's wrong with me occupying a high position? It's better than you, or richer than you, how about it? Jealousy Are you unhappy?"

"I've never seen such a shameless woman like you." Ou Ruting's face became darker and darker from anger.

It's just that all of a sudden, he caught a glimpse of a person coming from the opposite side.

Ou Ruting's originally gloomy face suddenly flashed a smile, took a step forward, quickly took Hu Xianya's hand, pretended to be very pitiful, and said loudly on purpose: "I know you are very Great, I also know that you are rich and have a lot of background, but you obviously don't like children, why do you lie to everyone that you like children, look at the crying of the children, they are almost dying, you give the children to me, Give it to me, I watched Zai Zai grow up, I really feel sorry for you treating him like this."

While speaking, he took Hu Xianya's hand and slapped her hard on the face.

There was a "pop", the sound was loud enough, and Han Jianfeng happened to see it too!
Although Ou Ruting's face was hot and painful, she still couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, then let go of Hu Xianya's hand, and fell backwards.

Weak and unpretentious, like a sister Lin, there are still tears in her eyes.

Seeing Han Jianfeng getting closer, Ou Ruting quickly knelt down on the ground and grabbed Hu Xianya's trouser leg!
(End of this chapter)

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