After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 533 I am the child's mother

Chapter 533 I am the child's mother

A good-looking handsome face is full of displeasure at the moment!
Ou Ruting's friend suddenly stopped, probably because he was shocked by Han Jianfeng's cold aura!

Until Ou Ruting, who was lying on the ground, called him with a pale face: "Jianfeng, why are you here?"

Then he explained pitifully: "I was passing by here and saw Zai Zai crying by chance, so I came in anxiously to see what was going on, but how did I know that Ms. Hu doesn't seem to like me very much..."

Ou Ruting intentionally didn't finish her sentence. Originally, the play just now was for him to watch. Even if she wasn't Han Jianfeng, she knew it, but she still gave her friend a secret look.

Ou Ruting's friend understood, and immediately added embellishment: "How did you know that this woman is so bad, she beats Ruting and kicks her, and Ruting is also kind, caring about children. I have never seen such a femme fatale woman. I don’t like the child myself, and I don’t allow others to say it.”

"Oh?" Han Jianfeng responded lightly, not in a hurry to say anything, but handed the bottle in his hand to Hu Xianya, and then said softly to her: "You feed the baby first, and other things Leave it to me."

Hu Xianya nodded, and then took the bottle!
Han Jianfeng turned his head to look at Ou Ruting, but his eyes were extremely cold: "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Ou Ruting was overjoyed, thinking that Han Jianfeng cared about her, bit her lip quickly, and shook her head as if aggrieved: "I'm fine."

As she spoke, she glanced at Hu Xianya: "It's just that when I came in just now, I saw Zai Zai crying so much, I just don't know if Zai Zai will be okay."

Ou Ruting knew that Zai Zai's position in Han Jianfeng's heart was unmatched, as long as Han Jianfeng knew that the woman treated Zai Zai badly, it would completely destroy the image of that woman in Han Jianfeng's heart.

So what if there is a project!
Even if that woman has a background, so what, as long as Han Jianfeng doesn't like it, no one will help!
"He'll be all right, but I think you'll be all right."

Ou Ruting responded to Han Jianfeng's words, thinking that he was caring about her, and even pretended to have been wronged a lot, with tears in her eyes: "I'm really fine, but when I fell on the ground just now, my waist seemed to be twisted." For a moment, I probably won't be able to stand up at this hour and a half."

Ou Ruting just wanted Han Jianfeng to hug her!
So I said that on purpose!
"Very good." Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng responded with such a sentence lightly.

Ou Ruting didn't understand for a moment: "Jianfeng, what about you?"

Han Jianfeng immediately said: "If you sprain your waist, go home and have a good rest for a few days. When you are free, come out and mind your own business!"

"Jianfeng, you..."

This turn was a bit steep, and Ou Ruting didn't realize it for a while.

Listening to what Han Jianfeng said, she thought she heard it wrong!
"I just feel sorry for Zai Zai, why have you become meddling, Jian Feng, why have you changed so much all of a sudden?"

This time Ou Ruting was really wronged, she put on such a good show, but she became meddling in Han Jianfeng's place!

Doesn't he care about Zai Zai the most?

That woman just gave him a big project, and he didn't care about anything, and went to speak for that woman!

(End of this chapter)

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